An update about my mum...the operation was successful and as told by the doctor, it went better than expected. I am thankful for that because the doctor did talk about their concerns regarding complications that might arise like if the tumour affects the small intestine as well and the only way to be certain about that is when they open up and take a look at it. But based on what they had seen, they said once they removed the tumour, she just required stitching and there is no need for the stoma bag so subsequently, she can pass motion as per normal. When I came to visit, she was still in a state of drowsiness although she can respond without talking. I was nervous like hell coz the doctor didn't call to update and I messaged my friend who then persuaded me to call the mainline and get connected to the ward. So I did as told and then finally found out that she was out of the operating theatre and would return to the ward soon.
As per this morning, she was able to talk already based on the answers given by her regarding the nurse's concern about who would be able to take care of her for at least a week after her discharge. Then, after investigating on the family background, she asked since I am the sole breadwinner, do I require the social service assistance? I mean of course I want at least I can cope with the medical bills come afterwards such as getting free medication. That is like my next biggest concern even prior to her admission but what can be done, she was already sick. Although she didn't promise if I am able to get, but at least they tried and I hope they can get for me.
For now, I've been trying to be like a superwoman doing the laundry, ironing, cooking :S and it's not so easy. How I wish my brother isn't a fussy eater although he does gobble down what I instant noodles, heh. Yesterday, I made scramble eggs with hotdogs for him. I have to make sure I budget my money well although I did some boo boos in the decision making. Well, I couldn't resist a coconut milk free laksa instead of buying proper food for my brother instead. But I did make up for it by making the scrambled eggs which my brother ate with his wholemeal bread.
So tiring but what to do, I just have to bear with the situation for awhile.