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Cleaning Lady to the Rescue

My house is filthy. Okay maybe not sooo much now coz we actually paid a cleaning lady to help us do general cleaning like moping, wiping, vacuuming and sweeping. You can't depend on me for doing housework coz we don't click but I do little stuffs like do the laundry, clear the rubbish and maintain the cleanliness of my room the table top where we use to eat our food. Oh, and vacuuming and it's my absolute 'favourite'.

Okay the thing is, my mum isn't in good health to do thorough cleaning and Im out working most of the time and when I reach home, I really want to zonk out.

At first I was quite apprehensive about asking another person to clean the house but I've mentioned before that it doesn't really make sense to me to pay someone to do it. But seeing my mum's condition and seeing how our house has been in such a bad state for the longest time ever, I think it's high time we pay a one time fee and get it over and done with. At this point of time too, I don't want to go against my mum's wishes because I just want her to get better and it won't help if she keeps worrying about how filthy our house is.

Well I would say that she did a good basic cleaning job and was very nice about it even though she had a quite a task ahead of her. Infact, she even did it within time and I got for her cold drinks while she sat down to relax for awhile. She politely refused but I insisted she did because it wasn't an easy job. I wouldn't even last an hour of cleaning :S

Speaking of which,I did my fair share of cleaning too. I threw out a lot of junks from two rooms namely the master bedroom and my father's room. They were mostly my father's old possessions and while I was clearing them, I came across his passport and his work pass that had his pictures on it. I admit I didn't dare see his picture for a very long time because it would bring back painful memories especially the last few months when he was terminally ill.

But I had to hold my emotions together because I needed to clear the junks away asap before the cleaning lady came. 

So there I was cleaning even his bathroom of which his toilet was leaking a bit of water. It didn't flood the toilet but there was a musty smell because it had not been used for more than a year. If not for the face mask which I at first refused to wear, I think I would have fainted. I managed to throw away all his old clothes hung behind the door except for one because of one stupid lizard which hid behind one of the last piece of clothing..hrmph.

In all, our house is a little bit cleaner including the master bedroom and my father's old room which I actually do go in because my wardrobe is inside there. It's not dusty anymore and the floors have been moped clean. But my mum said that she didn't do a thorough job. Anyway, it was her first visit and that our house had not been cleaned for the longest time ever so I thought it was good enough. She even said that she was willing to come back to clean again including the windows this time at half the price because we don't have to go through the agent.

That seems like a bargain. She is nice after all and my mum enjoys talking to her after she is done with her cleaning even though she did complain that she didn't really clean properly. Oh well. At least something to lessen her burden a bit, right?

I think next time maybe I will ask her to clean my room instead, but only if I manage to clear most of the junks away or else, it won't make much difference :S But I have been a good girl. I m currently sitting at the table where my laptop is and the table is clean and mess free..well..almost..heh. At least I tried right?

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