I lived through one week without internet access at home. How am I coping? It was terrible the first few days.....which I just spent time lying on the sofa earlier than usual not wanting to do anything else. I mean I do that also when there is internet but let's just say I retire to bed earlier. Way earlier. But I am slowly coping as of last Saturday (coz I think weekend will be worse) and used the time to actually clean my room. Yes u heard me right. Throwing out the accumulated junks.....
And despite having to clean it in stages, coz it is that bad, I guess Im happy with the outcome. But the funny thing was that part of the cleaning process involved reading through all the CLEO magazines. For one last time. And also coz I wanted to cut out some interesting pictures for future photo montages as well as some inspiration pieces for my future jewellery making. Right now, after looking at some pics, I kinda figured out why I have no inspiration with my existing beads. They are pretty passe and the current new crop of jewellery designs are made up of pretty trinkets, acrylic design pieces and medium sized beads.
Sighz..that means I have to wait for my next pay..which is coming soon, by the way. And while people are anticipating to buy new stuffs or go for holidays, I am looking fwd to eating at Ramen Ten. Im going with either my brother or my brother and mother. They dont eat but they want to check it out..haha. Anyway I know that Ramen Ten is something 'common' already but for a poor person like me who cant afford to eat at such places, it makes it all more worthwhile.
But first! Clear the damn bills before entertaining ANY thoughts of food sessions or shopping sprees.
'R.Popz Inc'
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