Indeed, life is full of ups and downs. I started off on a good note at the beginning of this year, ran into trouble, got uplifted again, trouble brews again...and so on. But the later half of this year, it just went down..down...downhill. I dont know what went wrong. I normally dont have that much of a problem paying my bills...although I struggle each time and occasionally ran into trouble. But this time round, it just got worse. I have been chased for payments right, left and centre repeatedly and they dont seem to let me off the hook easily like in the past where as long as I paid a substantial amount, I got cleared off. But now, I dont understand that with such bad economy nowadays, they have been getting more desperate in their collection of payments. Even if they have to hassle themselves in disconnecting the services several times within just a freaking month, it's like..'so what?' to them. And then each time they reconnect, I have to pay the reconnection fees.
Do they think people pluck off money from trees?
Not just that, there has been an increased number of reps selling insurances, promoting new bank offers and etc. I see them all dolled up to present a good image and then working until so late until almost 9 trying to get people to listen to them on these offers. And these poor people even work over weekends where on a Sunday, they would be better off spending time with their families instead of chasing people who ignore them most of the times like they're invisible.
Sure I do find them annoying also especially when one or two will start trailing you for quite a distance when all you want is for them to get off your back. But at the same time also, it's their rice bowl and then with the ongoing recession, bank jobs are currently unstable and they will just be asked to pack up and leave on a short notice. I try not to brush them off in a rude way but just say no..err..often repeatedly...with a smile....coz I do feel bad for them. At least let them not have too sucky a day..correction...weekend if they happened to work on a Saturday or Sunday.
My boss was like having a small talk with the rest of my colleagues during a pizza dinner when we all came back to work on Saturday to prepare for audit that the recession was affecting a lot of people. And then because of that, there will be an increased number of people going into the education industry as the demand is higher. Im she talking about me. But for the last 5 years, I have been stuck in the health industry which I have no freaking interest in although it has given me valuable life lessons that apply well in both my personal and work life. Oh, and I made life long friends too.
To me, sometimes I try to be all positive about it like there is explanation behind everything in our life and sometimes, it is meant for us to see things differently so that the next time we can strive to make our life better and not waste it away. But seriously, it's the human nature in us too that make us a bit stubborn headed at times to accept things as they are. Nobody wants bad things to happen and that nobody anticipates bad luck either.
For me, I do find it frustrating at times like why some people are in such big denial or why they just wont listen when clearly your intentions are meant to be good. But sometimes circumstances force them to think in a certain way that only they will understand better than us and also, no one likes to have ideas or advices shoved down their throat. I believe in time, they will get a clearer picture and it is entirely up to them in how they want to shape their life.
When I watch dramas, as a viewer, I also get such frustrations when certain characters surround themselves with a false sense of happiness to block their minds off a certain special someone. For us viewers, we would be like..'just say you love him la!!' but to him, his LOOOOoooOng delay derived from the fact that he was not about to throw away his carefree life where changing lovers are like changing clothes.
And then finally, a bomb scare jolted those words out of him as he made his confession after 5 long years. To me, he is lucky that someone will stick around so long for him. People like me would just say 'Sayonara!' but then again, if I love him as dearly, maybe....I will be willing to wait?
Such is just dont know what will happen until it happens. But when it finally happens, those years spent wondering will just disappear as you prepare for a renewed way of life. And I dont just meant it to be for a love life only but life in general.
Do they think people pluck off money from trees?
Not just that, there has been an increased number of reps selling insurances, promoting new bank offers and etc. I see them all dolled up to present a good image and then working until so late until almost 9 trying to get people to listen to them on these offers. And these poor people even work over weekends where on a Sunday, they would be better off spending time with their families instead of chasing people who ignore them most of the times like they're invisible.
Sure I do find them annoying also especially when one or two will start trailing you for quite a distance when all you want is for them to get off your back. But at the same time also, it's their rice bowl and then with the ongoing recession, bank jobs are currently unstable and they will just be asked to pack up and leave on a short notice. I try not to brush them off in a rude way but just say no..err..often repeatedly...with a smile....coz I do feel bad for them. At least let them not have too sucky a day..correction...weekend if they happened to work on a Saturday or Sunday.
My boss was like having a small talk with the rest of my colleagues during a pizza dinner when we all came back to work on Saturday to prepare for audit that the recession was affecting a lot of people. And then because of that, there will be an increased number of people going into the education industry as the demand is higher. Im she talking about me. But for the last 5 years, I have been stuck in the health industry which I have no freaking interest in although it has given me valuable life lessons that apply well in both my personal and work life. Oh, and I made life long friends too.
To me, sometimes I try to be all positive about it like there is explanation behind everything in our life and sometimes, it is meant for us to see things differently so that the next time we can strive to make our life better and not waste it away. But seriously, it's the human nature in us too that make us a bit stubborn headed at times to accept things as they are. Nobody wants bad things to happen and that nobody anticipates bad luck either.
For me, I do find it frustrating at times like why some people are in such big denial or why they just wont listen when clearly your intentions are meant to be good. But sometimes circumstances force them to think in a certain way that only they will understand better than us and also, no one likes to have ideas or advices shoved down their throat. I believe in time, they will get a clearer picture and it is entirely up to them in how they want to shape their life.
When I watch dramas, as a viewer, I also get such frustrations when certain characters surround themselves with a false sense of happiness to block their minds off a certain special someone. For us viewers, we would be like..'just say you love him la!!' but to him, his LOOOOoooOng delay derived from the fact that he was not about to throw away his carefree life where changing lovers are like changing clothes.
And then finally, a bomb scare jolted those words out of him as he made his confession after 5 long years. To me, he is lucky that someone will stick around so long for him. People like me would just say 'Sayonara!' but then again, if I love him as dearly, maybe....I will be willing to wait?
Such is just dont know what will happen until it happens. But when it finally happens, those years spent wondering will just disappear as you prepare for a renewed way of life. And I dont just meant it to be for a love life only but life in general.