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Pull Up ur Socks

actually, i have no idea how to put this across coz my blog isn't that 'secretive' anymore...uhm, thanks to some curious georges around..hehe..But anyway, I shall put this across bluntly. Don't feel bad about it. I didn't mean to make you feel down or what and I know exactly how u feel coz im not that secured about myself too. It sucks, isnt it? But let me tell you..sometimes, when you look at it in another way, in a more positive way, maybe..jz can make you think otherwise like if she can do it, why not me. And im not asking you to join crazy horse and bear ur boobies or something jz coz those ladies can do that (Singapore..pfft..crazy horse will be more like tamed horse anyway but that's another story). What im saying is..don't get yourself down too often. rambling like there's no tomorrow..probably enough to drive people away. Can I just go straight to the point?

If you ask me, Im rather sick and tired of being told how I've lost i've looked better now compared to then...but honestly, as much as i have been retold of these comments over and over again (even today) doesn't make me roll my eyes like 'heard that before'.. or what. Really! It's like a celebrity being interviewed and asked the same things over and over again..say over the last movie they made that gave them that fame factor...guess they're thinking not again..haiz..but what the heck? I'll just grin while answering to make them happy. After all, if not for that movie, I'll still be sweeping the floors in the cinema theatre. just exagerrating.

But what Im saying is that...I only get upset when some other people who are also suffering the weight problem like me...felt rather down when they compared themselves to me. Like..they're thinking..she lost weight..and what have i..Im just getting chubbier and chubbier. And it hurts me when they looked at me and suddenly they lost the appetite to eat or they jz kept comparing themselves to me unconsciously over and over again whenever I see them at work. After that they gave a big sighz..and said that the more they see me..the slimmer I get. You should see the sad look on them or how their big appetite to wanna eat something..suddenly get tossed out of the windows and they'd just get something small instead. I would ask them..that's all they're having? Better get more..if not they'll get hungry later. And they would remark..narh..I'll put on weight..or..Im getting fatter.

Come on girls...if there's one thing which I dont want you girls to feel is....remorse. Believe me..losing weight is not an easy thing to do and it takes lots of sacrifices...lots of 'mind over matter'...and true, there are definitely no short cuts to it. Pills? I did went through a relatively short period of time on those pills for like less than a week. Did I benefit from it? No. So, it's always back to the same old thing...a good diet and lots of exercise. To lose weight doesn't equate to losing ur appetite over the food that you love just coz you think that u're gaining weight while other people who used to be of the same wavelength as you..start to show improvements. Im not saying Im showing a great deal of improvement. I cant judge myself that much from the view up here...but maybe I 'feel' lighter and still I think, I have a freakin' long way to go. I gave up a few times. You can ask my friend about it. I felt so down that after months of trying to lose weight..which totals up to a pathetic two three kgs the beginning...I put them all back plus two or three more of them coz I got sick that whole month. I just couldn't bring myself to exercise on the threadmill without chocking coz I can hardly breathe with my blocked nose and throat. So I took the risk and hoped for the best even though I had less than three weeks to go before my birthday.

It wasn't only that incident. How about that last february where I wrote one heck of a lengthy blog entry regarding how I felt I wasn't losing enough weight. But life, we come across numerous road blocks. Honestly, I do feel bad when the girls whom we used to feel rather dejected together, coz we're like chubby, kinda felt that they are left behind. We used to try to console one another with comments like my infamous comment..'If we think we're big..remember..there's always someone bigger than us'. Now, I felt like I let them down. As if I am joining the rat race to see who lost more weight and who can look like one of them girls on the streets.

Trust me girls...I am rather liberal in my advice when you keep asking how I look slimmer and slimmer each time you see me. And it's true girls..I am not on any diet help or what...and yes, exercising and cutting down your average meal portions at least a big help instead. So if you ask me time and time again hoping for me to 'crack' and then tell you what dietary help I have's not gonna happen. why? Coz I seriously am not on any dietary help like some slimming formula or pills. Trust me. Even if celebrities keep proclaiming that they lost weight fast with the help of so and so....they still don't eat as much as they want to and their active lifestyle keeps them on their toes which hardly make them put on any more weight. To lose more yes..but to gain more..hardly. You dont know exactly what they eat when off locations and what kind of exercise regimes they go through. For all you know..they will exercise after midnight if they have to given their tight schedules when everyone else is sleeping.

Come on...dont make me write another entry in regards to this. Like I have said time and time again...if you put your mind to it, in anything not just concerning losing weight...and you are determined to get to where you have targetted urself at..sometimes, the impossible can become the possible.

If you need me as a pillar of strength when you are struggling to lose weight and to keep them down or even have trouble in terms of controlling ur appetite..just drop me a comment here. I sound like a grandmother now..coz I believe this isn't the first time wrote about it. Coz bottom line is..Im rather upset that here I am eating the piece of chocolate cake which was part of the tea break provided while the other person chose not to eat coz she looked at me then felt down a bit when she compared herself to me unconsciously. Dont tell me if they're around me I have to go into hiding or something jz so they can eat in peace. Do what rahayu says now k...cut down on ur portions and u will see results okay? Jz go beyond the barriers and grab ur jogging shoes and do two rounds for a start round the park near ur house instead of just looking at it like some public decoration. If you sighz and keep saying that it will never WILL never happen. As simple as that. Give urself a break..and give me a break too yah. I want to help you..not put u down. It is never in my intentions to do so.


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