Well..i want to wish Jason Mraz a belated happie birthday to him! It was on June 23rd and he turned 29. Aaahh...that was why i dreamt about him. He was telling me that it was his birthday and what did i give for a birthday present? I dissed him! what the hell..
Who is this jason mraz guy u wonder? Okay he's this skinny guy (but like he said, he's fat full of rhymes..and i totally agree with his outstanding play of words!) who is tall and he eats, sleeps and breathes music. Plus he is totally un-celebrity like with his mischief that can get people in stitches! He self made this 3 min plus video clip called the IMR or the Invisible Microphone Report news..where he was pretending to hold this invisible microphone (hence, the name) like a reporter..and talking about how he had been awarded with Gold award plaque from Hard Rock Cafe after selling 500,000 albums. He went on about what the gold vinyl record behind the plaque actually is and did a mini investigation about it attempting to break open the frame with a knife..and *Sniggers*...a metal tool and a torch fire jz like a burglar and should see his expressions while doing all these..hilarious! Gawd..I can go on and on about his hilarious video such as when he and his friend took turns to do these little dance ditties to the record playing which wasn't his actually. And he looked so cute with his flashes of mischievous grins! Man..can i have a boyfriend like him who has this constant happy look on his darn face? Can melt any girl's heart and feel oh-so-blissed in his arms..provided they're big enough to hug my rather wide torso..(another stab at my girth)...
So he ended his 'investigations' with his findings that what is actually behind the gold plaque may not necessarily be the record of the singer who was awarded with it. Still he likes the guy behind the music whose name is Tom Scott (which he found out through a GOOGLE search..heh..my fav search engine too!). However, he made a few funny remarks including the funnie bit saying that Tom Scott should be lucky coz his record was chosen as a display vinyl record behind the plaque but added with that famous grin...but people had to buy 500,000 of his albums and then listen to Scott's music..hahahaha..!! Then he ended his self made video clip with an attempted scratching sounds of his own voice as if on a broken record saying 'this has been..*cheeka cheeka zip a zic..zic..'mraz..(something like that) to copy what he did to Scott's record when he experimented playing the song backwards to know how it would sound like. Man...he's like so freakin' casual despite being a music genius!
Hey..Im still upset that I didn't get the tickets for the Mosaic Music Festival when he came down to Singapore to perform for one night only as part of the line up of musical talents. Damn it..sold out fast! I didnt know much about him that time except that I have heard of his music...I do like them..just that I didn't know the titles and forgot his name easily as there was not much publicity on him. It has been four months since I first bought his album and until now, Im pretty much hooked on his music coz they're so freakin' catchy...and easy on the ears with his smooth vocals and great music arrangement that it feels so good to just sit back and relax. YOu even forget that u're actually dragging ur feet work..although that resumes right back after I switch my mp3 player off.
Anyway boy..u're 29!! Man..u achieved so much at a young age coz u never give up in trying to succeed in what you like doing best..which is singing, songwriting..performing...playing the guitar..and so on and so forth! Being the genius that he is...Mraz is a pretty good writer too based on his observations during his tours with his entourage which he also used as a source of inspiration for his music. Now this guy is constantly writing or dreaming up of tunes that he can just hum along to without making the song always sound so 'jz out of the record studio' type along his acoustic guitar and ultra smooth vocals.
Once again...Jason Mraz...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Who is this jason mraz guy u wonder? Okay he's this skinny guy (but like he said, he's fat full of rhymes..and i totally agree with his outstanding play of words!) who is tall and he eats, sleeps and breathes music. Plus he is totally un-celebrity like with his mischief that can get people in stitches! He self made this 3 min plus video clip called the IMR or the Invisible Microphone Report news..where he was pretending to hold this invisible microphone (hence, the name) like a reporter..and talking about how he had been awarded with Gold award plaque from Hard Rock Cafe after selling 500,000 albums. He went on about what the gold vinyl record behind the plaque actually is and did a mini investigation about it attempting to break open the frame with a knife..and *Sniggers*...a metal tool and a torch fire jz like a burglar and should see his expressions while doing all these..hilarious! Gawd..I can go on and on about his hilarious video such as when he and his friend took turns to do these little dance ditties to the record playing which wasn't his actually. And he looked so cute with his flashes of mischievous grins! Man..can i have a boyfriend like him who has this constant happy look on his darn face? Can melt any girl's heart and feel oh-so-blissed in his arms..provided they're big enough to hug my rather wide torso..(another stab at my girth)...
So he ended his 'investigations' with his findings that what is actually behind the gold plaque may not necessarily be the record of the singer who was awarded with it. Still he likes the guy behind the music whose name is Tom Scott (which he found out through a GOOGLE search..heh..my fav search engine too!). However, he made a few funny remarks including the funnie bit saying that Tom Scott should be lucky coz his record was chosen as a display vinyl record behind the plaque but added with that famous grin...but people had to buy 500,000 of his albums and then listen to Scott's music..hahahaha..!! Then he ended his self made video clip with an attempted scratching sounds of his own voice as if on a broken record saying 'this has been..*cheeka cheeka zip a zic..zic..'mraz..(something like that) to copy what he did to Scott's record when he experimented playing the song backwards to know how it would sound like. Man...he's like so freakin' casual despite being a music genius!
Hey..Im still upset that I didn't get the tickets for the Mosaic Music Festival when he came down to Singapore to perform for one night only as part of the line up of musical talents. Damn it..sold out fast! I didnt know much about him that time except that I have heard of his music...I do like them..just that I didn't know the titles and forgot his name easily as there was not much publicity on him. It has been four months since I first bought his album and until now, Im pretty much hooked on his music coz they're so freakin' catchy...and easy on the ears with his smooth vocals and great music arrangement that it feels so good to just sit back and relax. YOu even forget that u're actually dragging ur feet work..although that resumes right back after I switch my mp3 player off.
Anyway boy..u're 29!! Man..u achieved so much at a young age coz u never give up in trying to succeed in what you like doing best..which is singing, songwriting..performing...playing the guitar..and so on and so forth! Being the genius that he is...Mraz is a pretty good writer too based on his observations during his tours with his entourage which he also used as a source of inspiration for his music. Now this guy is constantly writing or dreaming up of tunes that he can just hum along to without making the song always sound so 'jz out of the record studio' type along his acoustic guitar and ultra smooth vocals.
Once again...Jason Mraz...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!