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Showing posts from May, 2005

"Mocking me?!! You jz incurred my wrath!!"

life's prettie fun..if you believe me, you are almost at the brink of death. first up, I never went jogging today (wat happened to the 'i dont wanna be fat no more' gal?!!!) because it is a sunday, and i hate to jog on a sunday. I dunno..I have this thing that sundays are the hottest, when I was younger, I ALWAYS have a sore throat. Mz be the weather...alrite! i 'fess up. I AM L.A.Z.Y. It helped that last fridae I lost yet another 0.5kg..woohoo! To think the junk food that I have been eating does not contribute at all to the weight loss. FOod amazes me sometimes... My brother, eversince he got the simscity4 and the rush hour expansion pack, it has made him glueD up to the pc. So, being the angelic big sister, who wishes to concentrate on things OTHER than the pc, has been doing other neat entrepreneural thingey...been making earrings and a kiddie lookalike necklace. Okay, the necklace part, I was damn boRed and I wanted to do something that involve...


You know what...regarding my lost mobile, immediately after posting the last entry, I emailed the taxi company Comfort, not because I am hoping they will get me back my hp, but my dissatisfaction with one of the taxi driver. And I reallie expressed my unhappiness over the driver's act of dishonesty..and also over how I am so STUPID for not taking or asking him for his taxi's license plate number. Rule number one: Whenever you take a cab, ALWAYS take note of the number. It is clearly written on a card pasted right smack on the windscreen so, don't just admire the scenery outside, practise your memory skills. If you have a flair for numbers, then remember the number well. If you have a flair for words..remember the names. No point keying it into ur mobile if u lose it instead. If you can't remember, get a notebook and pen and have it written down and take note of the time and place of pick up and arrival. I never tot I would lose my mobile in the cab if shit happens, then...

"My handphone taken away From a Comfort Taxi Driver!"

I suddenly had the thought of re-visiting my first online journal which wasn't in working order ever since they decided to upgrade the whole server. But is back up..and a year and half of writing faithfully to the blog, has been saved..woohz! But of course....I have moved on..matured...but definitely still as unpopular as unpopular, I had to add the word 'popz' represent a title..i would probably never would acquire..hahaz.. K..actuallie..I jz wanna write in to tell you how bloody bloody...disappointed I am in a certain cab driver. I am so compelled to write in an email to the taxi company because of this dishonest driver of theirs. But damn it....why does stupid things like this happen to matter how careful I tried to persistent checks to make sure that my handphone and wallet are with me. The essentials...and now one of them is missing: my handphone coz I was so darn careless to have left in the cab. But jz as I was glad tha...

"A prank Played on Me.."

heya..! did u read my previous poSt? okay, this is such a late post but i Would like to clarify that it was a prank played by a friend. This friend is the friend of whom I tried in vain to sms but without replies (apparently she was too bz..but not too bz to play a prank on me..ha..ha..) then somehow i gave her this brilliant idea that hey, she could play a prank on me. And I damn well thought a guy (which was acted by her via sms) was interested in me....concerned yet sweet..scary but somehow..sweet. Okay okay..I was gushing..but damn scared at the same time. And after I found out that my friend said she lost her hp (but it was jz a ploy..u see..she didn't lose her hp at all)..I got another friend of mine to contemplate on meeting this 'guy' who had my friend's hp though I was damn we could get it back. But after I read the email that she so wanted the guy to keep the hp if he was cute..we tot that we could take the phone away and then sell it..after that s...

"Mid Day FliRting!!"

You know what...I had the weirdest flirting experience today...Okay, I think I told this story to my frens at least 5 times today but what the heck, for u people, ANYTHING! Erm..okay, the stoRy goes I tried to sms my fren since last monday coz i felt bad for not replying her email regarding my family's sewing machine. And we sorta have this little project going on that jz onlie staRted. Yupz..the shelved and un-shelveD idea of an online shop...aahh...still basking in that idea. Thing is, now I got another friend who is so very interested in making this little creative pieces which she would gladly sell it. Plus she got lotsa contacts. And u know me..the one with e many ideas but lack of motivation! haha..and knowing how i like to web design and she likes to design genuine decorated frames..i tot we two could work together. Has been a few weeks since our last meeting so I merely asked for the progress. Alas I tot she was angrie with me for not replying to her email. Plus I was too s...

"I lost 2 kg!!"

Well...prior to writing my blog once again, I had to resort to reading other people's blogs during my period of recovery. And's just so me to be humble and give them credit for writing so well, though lambasting other people for their unkindly romance, hrm..I think I'll pass on that. I can't just go calling every person who gave snide remarks as having a small dick. Uhm..size doesn't matter? haha..I still don't get it. Having a small dick is that bad meh? I dunno..I like short guys and older I'm prettie weird when it comes to men. So, when it comes to guys, DON'T ASK ME. Coz I don't like facial hair on guys..babyfaced guys...long-haired guys...hairy guys...etc etc Haiz..I'd rather entertain myself with thoughts of whether to eat the medicine or not. I am so paranoid about medicine. All my schooling life, I have been going to the doctors but luckily, nowadays, the thought of seeing the $$ that goes with every pathetic one day mc,...

'Damn Exam Period'

Think I can start blogging again...woohoo! But first, mz try to make up my 'ruined' gym plans and my saturday jog all because of this powerful thing called 'flu bug'. But ahem..secretly triumphs about it. Then again, I kinda slacked too..haiz...i ate chocolates, like three pieces ++ of it. It was my brother! He bought the chocolates for me! You see, my so-called philosophy about chocos is that I will no longer buy it and if I want to eat it, people have to give it to me and then I'll eat it. Yeah, I know it's stupid but people buying or giving me chocolate is almost at a ratio of 1:impossible. Oh, and after the stress of teaching my brother maths last sunday, and also stress over my constantly grumbling stomach (oh the 'pain'..the 'PAIN'...!), went down to the shop around 9pm and bought a packet of cheetos. Okay, so I didn't manage to eat the whole pack coz of a certain 'someone' who can't see food dangling infront of his eyes whe...

"It's official..I am SiCk.."

haven't been blogging for the longest time..well...four days plus infact but prior to this, I had alreadi tot about what to wrote. Except the unexpected happened. I fell ill. Actuallie, it's gonna sound quite morbid, but I wished I was sick and therefore I got sick..haha..For the past 3 months, I hadn't been on medical leave and alreadi I worked with different people because other people were taking medical leaves at their convenience. Or they would take half or full day leave...and I would have to go back alone. Not that I am complaining..half the time I wouldn't have to think so hard as to wat to talk about with my partner or the people I worked with. But it's getting rather mundane.....and I felt like..hey, it's my turn to be sick and my partner's turn to work with other people because of 'me'. I's a stupid wish....but if taking leaves would require my supervisor begging me to cancel it or postpone just coz of 'manpower'...I g...

COnfessions of an UnloveD gal..

Talk about romance, I have none. Like I that undesirable no one ever asked me for a date? for that occasional, not forgetting UNCOUNTED ones, from those who asked me via my phone. Lets just's waaayyyy history story..haha. Okay, short summary. At my lowest point during teenage hood, I engaged in a series of marathon yakking on the phone through popular chatlines where I got to know guys. Damn, how could I ever be so 'addicted' to those damn phonelines?! The onlie answer I could think of was how determined I was in trying to hook up to get a boyfriend. Right..the truth is finallie out. wasn't 'I just want to get to know guy friends' thing. In a world, or should I say, country, where slim's the word, to get a date who would like me for who I am, no matter what size I am, is er...a slim chance indeed. Thus, I got engaged in 'hot stuffs' of the moment..which was the chatlines and mirc. Wat's mirc? If you're ...

"NAPFA test was a killer for me"

I just read this article written by a concerned mother over the TAF programme conducted at her son's school. I can understand her son's agony of attending the programme, which stands for Trim and Fit, for overweight children, because I personally shunned the idea of the programme since back in primary school. Though I would dare say I managed to talk, lie, run away from this horrible horrible thing, somehow your past will catch up on you. So, sighz...there I was in pre-U, doing that the third year, and I just hated being associated as one of those who had to sweat when the rest were just doing their own stuffs such as relaxing during the lunch hour before the next lesson. Eurgh... But thankfully, the ones who had to be enlisted in this programme, they were a fun bunch. Hey, who says fat people can't have fun?!! Though we came in different sizes, when it comes to laughing ourselves silly when we played one of the ball sports like basketball, ...

"Moment of Foolishness"

It really stumps me on how some people can act out of foolishness and only be in the worst state of remorse later and the onlie way they can crawl out of their misery is to do something socially unethical. I'm talking about the loss of a child who only had weeks to live and die in the clutches of surgery 'weapons'. I couldn't say that I am totally against abortion but if it means that it would help to save the mum's life who is in a very critical condition, and that it is the onlie way out, then the doctor probably knows better. That would mean an even huge emotional loss for being 'helpless' against something that had no other way out and with that, I have all my sympathies for both the mother and baby. But for choosing to end the poor baby's life just because u're not ready, it's like saying, you're just better off dead because u don't know the true meaning of life. I mean it sounds harsh but for someone who has already lived a good chu...

Confidence is Key!

I just saw this malay programme about women and how obssessed they can be about their looks and weight...partly because they wanna look good for men. I of the possible reasons but losing ur lives over them..hell no!!!!!!! Like skin and bones, anyone? Na-uh..sure I am in the toughest battle of my life..which is to lose weight...but end up in just skin and bones? Na-uh! I'd rather be comparable to someone who is healthy-looking and radiant than a broom...thank U very much. To think that this anorexia and bullemic problem... is still very alive and kicking esp among our young female so sad. Being impressionable infront of growing teenage guys..of whom, believe me..are very yummilicious...(rahayu distracted here...) still counts as the ultimate saviour between 'is it me or her?!!' And yes...rahayu being one who onlie had one chance encounter where the guy showed the slightest interest, (too bad I was a moron at that point of time), ...

Deodorant vs Perfume

today is the start of the week of may. okay officially it was last sunday, which incidentally is may day too. Didn't do much that these past few days, save for the shopping for the stuffs to make our line of jewellery last saturday. Let's just say I was suffering from a mild case of rashes..thanks of course to my stupidity. Look, i got one advice for all of u: wateva works for ur fren/colleague/boyfriend/gal pal...may not always work for u. Or maybe it's just me for not knowing that there is a difference between a roll-on perfume and a roll-on deodorant. And what works for ur armpits may not work for the base of ur neck and ur neck itself. Unfortunately, I experienced it the hard way. I tot the way my colleague rolled on the perfume in a cute little tube on her blouse, her neck her arms made her look 'sensual' and I definitely want to carry out that look too even though earlie morning I had put on the hugo boss woman perfume. Eurgh..the name onlie sounded fanciful...

How far can we take it?

wat's with this issue that blogging means exposing ur inner conscience to people and letting pple know how racist u insensitive you are..yadda yada yada..and now pple are discussing as to how one's freedom of expression is restricted by other people who are not too agreeable with what you have to say. for me, if u choose to blog, or write out ur personal thoughts, u should be expecting pple liking wat u write or easily distinguish u as one of those insensitive bastards or bitches that loathe people who look different from them. this 'race' issue has been around for as long as one can remember and u don't have to start from pple's personal blogs to pinpoint this as a problem still apparent in our society where integration is already a norm, whether u like it or not. By choosing to let known our personal 'insides' through the mass media, even if we expected pple to read or not, we should be open to harsh criticism or praises from others. But if w...