life's prettie fun..if you believe me, you are almost at the brink of death. first up, I never went jogging today (wat happened to the 'i dont wanna be fat no more' gal?!!!) because it is a sunday, and i hate to jog on a sunday. I dunno..I have this thing that sundays are the hottest, when I was younger, I ALWAYS have a sore throat. Mz be the weather...alrite! i 'fess up. I AM L.A.Z.Y. It helped that last fridae I lost yet another 0.5kg..woohoo! To think the junk food that I have been eating does not contribute at all to the weight loss. FOod amazes me sometimes... My brother, eversince he got the simscity4 and the rush hour expansion pack, it has made him glueD up to the pc. So, being the angelic big sister, who wishes to concentrate on things OTHER than the pc, has been doing other neat entrepreneural thingey...been making earrings and a kiddie lookalike necklace. Okay, the necklace part, I was damn boRed and I wanted to do something that involve...