I had a horrible dream last nite. No, not reallie that horrible but I somehow dreamt I was in this room. FOrgot why I was there in the first place. I onlie remembered there was one of my colleagues there. Then we had to do the unspeakable. Someone was gonna take our weight. Err..u can scoff about that 'unspeakable' act but ever since school, I hated taking weights..for obvious reasons. THough in my dreams, the weight-taker seemed to put on an expressionless face when saying out the weight, wat troubled me more was the weighing machine. It has a display, just like that of a cash register, where it displays how much u have to pay. But this one looks like one of those alarm clocks that will flash the time in huge digi numbers. When it came to my turn, something happened. I walked up the weighing machine cautiously and guessed what? The machine displayed odd numbers, like u know how a calculater looked like when u dip in waters..something like that lah. Then the weight-taker tot that's odd. So asked me to go on the weighing machine again. Same thing. My worst nightmare (in a nightmare) had come true. The machine was unable to display my exact weight coz I am over the maximum weight it could display. Luckily, I woke up.
Usually, on a weekend I am compelled to just wake up and start using my pc until time to buy breakfast. Guess wat? I didn't feel like starting my day just sitting and adding jelly to my ass. So, I tot..hrm...maybe I should just go out and take a walk in the park. I mean, what's so bad about walking? It's just gonna be a start of my new exercise regime. But then, I remembered. Gosh, my sports shoes have not been worn for the longest time. And it has probably collected dust 'till beyond recognition. Then, made a pact, okay, i'll start off with a healthier diet first today and gonna dump my sports shoes in the washing machine later. Then, I am gonna open a new file, just like how the dietician has for my brother, during his consultation at a children's hospital.
My logic is simple. I am gonna be my own dietician and people pay a lot of money to slim down onlie to be offered the same diet plan. Eat more fruits and veggies, cut down on carbo and start exercising. My colleague, who recently err..lost 1 kg, paid over 200plus at a local hospital, onlie to do the same thing anyone could have told her to do like the above mentioned. Onli difference? The people over at the hospital was supportive. Hey, I don't have to count on those people. She, after all, is paying them...probably the fees include moral support too. Now, me and my team mate are planning to sign up for a gym membership card at our werkplace. And if there is time for us like when we come back for half day screening, we can use the extra time to go to the gym.
Can't wait. Wish me luck!!
Usually, on a weekend I am compelled to just wake up and start using my pc until time to buy breakfast. Guess wat? I didn't feel like starting my day just sitting and adding jelly to my ass. So, I tot..hrm...maybe I should just go out and take a walk in the park. I mean, what's so bad about walking? It's just gonna be a start of my new exercise regime. But then, I remembered. Gosh, my sports shoes have not been worn for the longest time. And it has probably collected dust 'till beyond recognition. Then, made a pact, okay, i'll start off with a healthier diet first today and gonna dump my sports shoes in the washing machine later. Then, I am gonna open a new file, just like how the dietician has for my brother, during his consultation at a children's hospital.
My logic is simple. I am gonna be my own dietician and people pay a lot of money to slim down onlie to be offered the same diet plan. Eat more fruits and veggies, cut down on carbo and start exercising. My colleague, who recently err..lost 1 kg, paid over 200plus at a local hospital, onlie to do the same thing anyone could have told her to do like the above mentioned. Onli difference? The people over at the hospital was supportive. Hey, I don't have to count on those people. She, after all, is paying them...probably the fees include moral support too. Now, me and my team mate are planning to sign up for a gym membership card at our werkplace. And if there is time for us like when we come back for half day screening, we can use the extra time to go to the gym.
Can't wait. Wish me luck!!
*boring rating: 4*