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Learning to be Humble

One of the things that I always remind myself is to learn to be humble. Seriously, it's easy to forget about how lucky we are compared to many others like at times, many of the things that we crave for or we buy have no significant value in our life but we just go ahead and buy and add it to our growing collections where all we need are just a few basic ones. While it's nice to be a girl and own as many shoes and bags as we possibly have, many of them merely take up space especially if we don't some of them regularly. What we do though, is that we just keep buying more of them as they either look super nice, are selling cheap or it's one of those 'we just gotta have it!' moment.

I used to be guilty of this even though my family situation do not allow me to just anyhow splurge but you know, sometimes I forget. It's only after I have bought them that I will feel the guilt. As I don't like feeling guilty over such things coz it's a waste of time and brain power thinking about my regretted purchases, I try to minimize as much as I can such frivolous purchases.

Now I learn to rationalize with myself. I know last couple of months, I am just so freaking obsessed with make up but now I tell myself that hey, it's not something that I use every day. You have no idea how silly I looked when I went to Watson's, a local drug store, and kept taking and putting back the make up products for at least 3 times as I contemplated on whether I should buy them or not. The thing is, I already have a make up foundation but just because all the make up gurus on youtube recommended using liquid foundation, I just feel so compelled in getting one. 

However, now I justified with myself that I would rather buy myself some new clothes since I wear them every day. But of course I don't go out spending the extra cash that I get on so much new clothes but just a selected few since I hardly shop for clothes and the ones that I have are kinda worn out looking already. I also think about my upcoming future expenses that I need money for so that I will have an objective on why I am stashing the money away instead of spending them.

Many Singaporeans need to open their eyes big and see for themselves those people in the lower income groups who are struggling to make a living each single day. The work that they do may not be up to the liking of a majority of us but they still go ahead and do it, like for example picking up boxes for recycling so that they can earn some money to buy their daily necessities. I've said this many times that people are entitled to do what they want to do with their money even if they want to splurge on designer things, for all I care. For me, even if I have the money to buy them, I may not want to coz my simple logic will be, I can't eat an LV bag should I go hungry one day. 

Don't just say designer bags, I won't even get myself an iphone not coz I don't like it as I don't deny its usefulness, but I can't see myself paying for a mid range price plan every month. I don't have many contacts and most of the time, I use it to call my mum and to sms a few friends or colleagues but even then, it's not that frequent. I also won't pay for the extra stuffs like the paid apps just so that I can enjoy the benefits of getting the full version of them. I hardly even use the data plan because I'm trying to minimize my phone bill so that I will have more money to spend on my family. Yes, I'm stingy that way, haha.

Though many may frown on a simple life but to me, I just prefer it. Somehow, it makes more relatable to people especially those that are on the same par as me, in terms of having a family to feed on a single income and how difficult a job can be but we just have to trudge on and come out strong just so that we bring money home. Many Singaporeans just enjoy complaining and forget how fortunate they are. In the upcoming elections, we have to vote and take sides. To me, I don't have strong hatred towards the PAP and yet I also feel that the opposition parties are strong contenders giving the PAP candidates more work to do in convincing us to vote for a better future for Singapore.

Whatever their agendas will be, I just hope that they don't just give us empty promises but to act on what they have promised us. To me, I just feel that people like me who are not in the lower income group but in the lower part of the middle income group will stand to benefit from the outcome of the general elections. I may have a job but it doesn't mean I'm not struggling with the price hikes of consumer goods, transportation and most recently, electricity tariffs which have been announced to go up, yet again. I can't get monetary help like those in the lower income groups but it doesn't mean I don't need them. But I don't have an outlet for it coz they prefer helping those who are in really dire need of help such as the old folks or single mothers. I can say one thing though. 

Basically, with the evolution of social media, we can pretty much say what we want to say. I just think it's sad that in the midst of it all, we forget to learn to spare a thought for others. We only seem to care about the welfare of others when a major crisis happen. Do we have to wait for a disaster to happen here in Singapore before people start being nice towards one another? How we learn to sympathize towards other people is that we have to learn to be humble ourselves, be grateful for what we have and to lend a helping hand to others and it doesn't always have to equate to monetary help. 

Let's strive to make our country a better place to live in :) and we don't need the politicians to start the ball rolling. We can start it first ourselves.


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