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Office Politics much drama in the office. it's getting more and more unbearable that people are slowly taking off because one can only stand so much. even when i hear the kind of things these people were saying or do behind other people's back, i wonder if there is any humanity left in the office. because as you know, some people will do anything to step up the ladder or pretend that they know everything but are klutz themselves. let's call them the moronic wannabes. let's face it. you can never work in an environment where here we are working our butts off and never get complimented or if we do, it's like as if we dont deserve it. Then if we make mistakes, no matter how minute, they will not waste a single second to 'counsel'...the current buzzword at my office...Gawd, i feel like such a slave and they're simply getting too much with their sarcasm that doesnt have any bearing to it because it is as though our sincerity or honesty is getting mocked at just because some other people rub them the wrong way that every one of us feels like we are being gunned down for that.

Goodness...sometimes it is so ridiculous that we can be asked so many questions as if we're being interrogated by the police and here you are wondering what the heck do they want from us. In all our concerns, we try to follow their house rules...which are aplenty I tell you...but even despite doing that, they can still doubt us so much as though we are second class citizens and we don't deserve our rights. When we want to take leave, that is our f***kin right what and we did as told by informing a month in advance and infact sometimes more than that especially if we have a scheduled appointment already which will make them easier to plan. But then, what right do they have through sheer mockery in which they don't understand the meaning of urgency and expect to know every single detail irregardless of whether they are personal or though we are begging to take a day off from them just because they have a little bit of additional planning to do. If you're lazy just admit it lah...just vamoosh and do something else which you find more fruitful and less tedious but still getting paid. What's the point of being the appointed one or what they term themselves as 'the chosen one'..pui....when this kind of small matter they can't handle but decide to take it out on us? For goodness sake, it's just one f**king day and it is more than a month away so whats the big f**kin' deal about it! Man....such an extremist form of arrogance. Unfortunately, it seems like some kind of disease jumping from one to another.

The drama just keep on unfolding and it feels like they're even starting to stab one another among themselves. haiyaaaah.....whatever. It's the same whether you say something or if you actually did not say anything but people put words in your mouth and then you get into trouble unnecessarily. Welcome to office politics.

Anyway, about yesterday's entry regarding my might not be my imagination after all when I said that he seemed to take comfort telling it to me instead of them from what I observed today when we were all back today for use of the laptops in the office. I don't think I want to go into details lah about it even though Im tempted to do so coz I still think that Im just imagining things yet again. At times my mind may think two steps ahead when it actually means nothing at all in the first place or it's just sheer coincidence. So let's not talk about this anymore...Im sick and tired of playing mind games especially when it comes to matters concerning the opposite sex because u know me.....when it comes to guys I clam up..irregardless of their marital status. So it can be a case of my imagination gone wild too..haha..

Okaylah..I actually just wanted to let steam off a bit regarding my sucky work.


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