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'someone' just commented that I rambled too much on my blog..hrmph..yes, Im aware of it..just that I know no heads and tails to it and believe me, the last two entries I decided to cut short and there were a lot of teasing moments between 'backspace' and 'enter'. Anyway, Im gonna write like some prolific chic writer..haha...yet another impossibility. I shall try and let this be the first entry where I would not attempt to ramble..*smirks*...yeaahhh...right..

okay first and foremost, regarding the issue with my cluster's driver where I would say it right here and right now, I have no feelings whatsoever with him but it's just that I thought it was majorly weird for me to avoid him like some parasite. A GOOD LOOKING parasite I may say..that I wouldn't mind getting infected with. Eurgh...I make myself sick. Anyway, my ever trusty aunt snowy (no..not Tintin's similarity there..including the sex of the dog) said that I should keep quite a distance away from him and not to feed my insecurities towards the male species but because he is newly married. Even if I don't have any intentions of ruining his love life and as much as he may regret getting to know me only AFTER marriage..heh..Im not about to be the centre of attraction of the gossip hub in my office. Ney-hi or No! Besides, it would be the oddest couple of all..he's taller than me and he doesn't have biceps to rival my jensen ackles even though his strength is very admirable when he carried the heavy load of equipments from us. Aiyah, why the hell don't they want to send us a nice uncle in his fifties but resort to torture my mind and soul with such a good looking and friendly driver?! bloody if there is not enough chaos in my life right now. Or at least send a single one ah...tsk...

I was surfing through the net and stumbled upon a gossip website which I could not remember what the name was. Man...just looking at the celebrities especially the female ones make me sick. I skanky can they get? But people still worship the red carpets they walk on and lavish them with expensive gifts (except undergarments apparently coz they dont seem bothered enough to wear them and have their tits or downunder on the tabloids )and sponsorships making them far richer than they already are...while people like us will forever slave just to get food on the table. How the fact they complain how their private lives are on constant display for people's voracious readings while doing their deedees in the toilets.

You know..sometimes Im pretty sick and tired of the hustles and bustles of life that Im practically moving ahead through the day in a zombie-like manner. It was the same thing last year but I think this year, I may be a little worse off but luck may change halfway, who knows? I try to be positive but you know, it can be hard at times just to smile but hey, why did they invent comedies and cartoons? To make laugh your ass off ah! Forget laughing clubs. You don't force yourself to laugh. You just..err..laugh! I miss the show such as Whose line is it anyway? That is one CRaZy show and I loved it! Well, I can always watch the reruns on the net but while that may be quite a hassle...although a hassle that is worth my time....but on tv itself, I can always get myself entertained. Mr Bean? Total classic. It's one of those shows that make you look at yourself in a less serious manner and that everyone has their own moments of blunder. You think that he's just way out of the line and you won't be caught dead doing the things he did? Hah! You wish..I think right, if Singapore, that will be the ones who scramble up the bus pushing everyone in view...babies, children..whatever...just to get a freakin seat on a bus. And they can be immaculately dressed up in their working attire like Mr Bean in his shirt and tie ensemble. By the way, Mr Bean had a knack for queue cutting so you can imagine how many Mr and Mrs Bean are out there right on our sunny Island.

People like this give me a shitty day. How can I not be so stressed living here and working here where you are constantly being muddled up by people who will do anything to climb on top. I can't get away from them and it stinks to breathe the same air as them. Why can't they just chill out? What do they hope to gain by backstabbing people's back nevermind if the ones being backstabbed treat them as buddies? Such a cruel twist of fate eh? Can never trust people nowadays. I don't want to get involved in any messy situations because I don't want to be the cause of anyone's hurt or grievances even if I have not meant for it to happen. It could just come out from a harmless conversation especially if there is seriously no other things to talk about and the next thing you know..wham! The finger pointing game begins.

But it can be so hard sometimes. I hate to badmouth to other people about some other people's attitude because who are we in the first place? Some saint like being? Puh-lease.....we ourselves are full of flaws but unfortunately, instead of finding them out and correcting them accordingly, we choose to amplify other people's flaws instead. How do we feel if we hear other people talking bad about us behind our backs? Stinks, doesnt it? Unfortunately, it is a culture even in the working world where as adults, we should know better. I just hate to get caught in a situation where I am forced to just 'spit it out' because I will feel as if I betray the particular person who disclosed to me the information. Though she did not say that I ought to keep it a secret, you do know how fast words get around. And before I know it, I am caught in between.

My colleague pulled me aside to the gym and asked me a few questions regarding things that she had been hearing in the office. I am not the sort to ask in details but if I was curious enough, I would simply go 'what happened?' and if the person doesn't want to share anything, so be it. I won't be snooping around her business or jump to other people and wont rest until I know what has happened. I swear I felt really bad when my colleague did that to me because I had promised to keep them to myself or among ourselves as it happened when we were around. But the way she told me her intentions on how she hates it when people wont disclose the going-ons in the office because ultimately, it is going to affect all of us. I understand her intentions very well especially when it concerns work matters and that some things should not be kept as secrets if they are going to benefit us in the long run and make us more careful so that we don't fall in such undesirable situations.

But just how far are we willing to dig such information so much so we know too much and they are mostly irrelevant and concerning other people's personal lives? Gawd..why cant I just keep my mouth shut......I can be such a big idiot sometimes. I seriously tried to keep the lid shut and last Friday I just realised words spread around to such a great extent that it can easily rival the bush fires in Indonesia. Seriously, I have tried my best to not reveal so much info and if I have been sworn not to say anything....I will NOT say anything. But if it is hanging in mid air with no conclusion to it like whether this is personal and has been told exclusively to me and a few other people only, I get confused. Common sense will tell me that I'd be an idiot if I go around spreading personal information around but people can be....eurgh....f**kin persistent.

I tried to put myself in their shoes and then think about how I felt if I told someone I was going through a divorce but the next thing, it was on everybody's mouth. How can I even survive that man made calamity? But it is like one thing led to another..and another...and worse thing is that people tend to keep on asking especially if you have been rather generalistic about it. I can just say something happened between the two leaders and that is it. But seriously speaking, do you think people will just stop at that? Like why they quarrelled? Why she must do that? Why this..why that? If I say I don't know....people will know that I am lying because I was around. Certainly I didn't walk around blindfolded and had my ears covered right?

My head was storing so much information from last Thursday from my partner who had been quiet with me all this while, and then when something happened and acted like a catalyst, she poured out to me so many things. I know a lot of things have been going on for her and they are not really pleasant. But unlike some people, I won't dare to ask her unless she told me herself if she felt she trusted me enough or she thought it was strange all this while I didn't ask even though I had been hearing her on endless times on the phone. Plus, it would save me all the trouble later if people started questioning me on what have been going on exactly because I seriously didn't know and this time, I was not lying about it.

You know what..thats it. I will be a reformed person starting from tomorrow. Damn all those people who have been rather forceful to me and make me say things that I felt I should not be saying. Damn me too for revealing too much info accidentally from all the pressure. Some things should not be kept in the dark because they help to open our eyes a bit that not everything is as peaceful as it seems and I agree with my colleague on that aspect when she got frustrated she was clueless on whatever that had been happening. But girl, I think we all should know our limits especially if you yourself know how it is like to have someone telling other people the things you have said in which you have no intentions of letting other people know. It is not wrong for some other people to not disclose some facts to you even if you think that they are being selfish. So it may not be fair that your partner doesnt want to say much to you but I don't think you should be angry over her.

Oh well...hope today I won't be stuck in such situation anymore. is no picking up of equipments day. And I was looking forward to today!..drats..


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