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I just dont understand how the power supply does their maths when come bill time such as how much to pay. I don't on the electricity 24 hours a day or use the bathroom every now and then. What gives?! YOu know what? This is a conspiracy. A TOTAL conspiracy to purposely charge us extra or around the same amount irregardless of whether we have cut down a lot on its usage. Why? Because we're dependent on water and electricity, that's why! You want your supplies to be 'endless'? Be prepared to pay more or any amount they throw at your face....bloody hell.....and they can have us fooled into thinking that they are helping us to save on utilities bills by cutting it down a bit. my ass...sure got cut down just a teeny bit but they also shockingly increased the overall utilities bill probably to make up for their 'loss'! Haiz........and then the next thing, they will ask their man to come down and do drastic thing to the supply and we'd be forced to pay the whole damn amount nevermind if you're clawing your way through each day and scrimping on your expenses. Pay means pay. No pay means no water and electricity....pfft......and I was actually looking forward to the utilities savings?! Man..I was so wrong! It did NOTHING to the overall amount incurred. NOTHING!!!

Hate to be pissed off on a MOnday because Monday is the day to start a fresh week and I hate to start on a wrong foot instead. Already Im kinda short on savings this month because I had used up the amount meant to be saved for this month to pay the balance of the loan. Next month would be the last and I shall try to 'psycho' my partner in crime to help me pay an additional 50 dollars for half of the late payment charge. That loan is another goondu. You pay a few days late was not enough to charge an additional 25 dollars as 'administrative fees' but they can still add on 95 bucks?!! I still had not paid that outstanding amount yet from last November because in that month, I was really really short of cash that I could not afford to pay the monthly loan. Then as soon as I had some money to pay, I realised there was a f**kin extra 95 dollars for late payment!

Anyway, on a lighter note...I went treasure hunting on the net yesterday. If you show me a computer with an internet, I'd be fumbling on how to go about using the net. I'll be a total clutz..bozo the clown..whatever. The net is not totally exclusive to certain people and is available to the masses. And yes..they don't bite. So why the heck do I fumble away? Coz it's not my computer and in my computer, I have the freedom to surf whatever I want...although the Starhub blocking the i.p. addresses of certain cheesy websites is a turn off. I don't need FAMILY PROTECTION you dopes! Im not fifteen for gawd's sake...and whats wrong with seeing Paris Hilton's exposed if she's not famous already.

Over here, I get to explore around and if you're a freebo sort of person and refuses to pay not even a dollar...(pfft....that's so NOT me..), then get your butt down on the FREEway of pun intended there. I did write about my 'hacking' experience which is not hacking by the way..not intruding..just clever manipulation of codes that do not affect the site in any way except maybe the code creators themselves. But that is when I have way too much free time and I need something else to stimulate my brain besides dreaming of schmoozing jensen ackles. Or more. If I need quick fixes good enough for both intellectuals and idiots, there's always google. I don't know about you all but I like google. I've been going there from the time I got my computer. Okay........not really. But somewhere along that line. But the thing was, whatever search engines were prevalent at that time after the Y2k scare, they onlie pointed to one thing. Softwares that needed to be paid or had limited usage. Until you pay to enjoy further services so basically...same thing..boring... *yawns*..When handphones came on board and after a few years, they can be personalised to suit the owners' tastes and preferences, that came with a price. Okay that one until now because people are forever trying to make money.

From now on, I want you to do the rahayupopz way. Log on to the internet and it doesnt have to be in your home because that's the flexibility of internet. After that, just google your life away! Or just try your luck in trying to find what you want like free ringtones or free music recorder and etc via the search engine in layman's term. Now software creators are just vying for your no cost because now they don't have to rely on your moolah to get their creative juices flowing. All they need is advertisers who are willing to pay them just as long as they can get people to go down their sites and the more the better because it will mean a wider exposure to visitors.

But dont go OTT or over the top with the freebies out there because some things are just too good to be true. Like my team's driver...

Hey, Cleo's 50 most eligible bachelors' list are out. I voted for one to be part of the 50 but unfortunately, I forgot who the heck it was so I have no idea if he made it to the list. I wanted to recall him so much not because he deserved it but because my dignity is at stake here! I am this close to thinking that I have lost 'it'. I meant losing the ability to spot hotties. One hottie may pass by and I wont even notice it but instead, I will notice geek boy walking after him just because he carries a laptop bag. That may not be too bad because geek boys can be long as they are older than me....and not some teenagers rubbing their flu ridden noses vigorously after a long night of computer games.

Drats..the worse ones will be the ones that I spot from a distance but upon closer view, I will beat myself up for actually thinking that the guy who is old enough to be my dad or a hottie?!!! If you dont go out and socialise, your mind tends to get messed up a bit and will get worse the longer you put off dating. I've talked about this before..and no..not the fact that I have been dateless all this while..but my guy radar thingey. Sure I like guys that don't fall neatly into the 'hotties up for grabs' category. So what's my take for this year's list? Uhm....not bad..seriously, not bad. It's an improvement from last year's list. They are not just good looking..they have gorgeous bodies..perfecto! But most are younger than me which stinks..and if they are older, they have the looks of a 21 year old and that stinks even more. Definitely heaven for young girls but old chicks like me? Im better off hugging a tree...sighz....

Oh! Before I end of them bears a striking resemblance to my driver but of course you know lah who looks better.hee..Fuwah..for all you know, he may be an ex cleo bachelor. OH Gawd..rahayu stop crushing on a married man no matter how nice, friendly..or..handsome he is! Wah piang, suddenly he becomes the motivator for me to turn up for work all bright and chirpy and then end off work in the field all bright and chirpy too.



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