today was quite a fun day..az usual..i was 'clowning' around but it wasn't intentionally done. Go figure. narh, sometimes you dont have to try so hard but jz be ur usual self. It comes with self confidence. If you feel confident about urself, it's like the world revolves around ur buffered fingertips.
My partner did an amazing thing the other time and I could not thank her enough. Even though...uhm..it was sorta an escape for her over some matters which I knew she loathed to do but heck, she did me a huge favour without me asking and I thought I owed her some too. My mum, who is forever busie in her own terms only, which resulted me fetching my dad from the hospital at the last minute, thought that I should give her something in return. She wanted me to give her a huge box of chocolates and had it wrapped up. Well..since she didnt give me the money, and also knowing that my colleague ain't big on people giving her stuffs, i just bought her this row of ferrero rochers and a pair of manicure set. And I couldn't resist buying the same set for myself either. THis is what I call...shopping in woman's term. You almost couldnt resist buying something for urself either. Sometimes I forget I am there to buy someone a gift and not to buy the handbag selling at a huge discount. But hey....my uhm..previous set has been used till it is beyond recognition. My nails and I deserve better treatment after a harrowing week!
Okay, maybe what i want to say next may not please some muslims. So if you wanna comment, do comment wisely. Hey, give me a break coz religion is not some easy peasy sort of job. K, so I am a muslim and in a mosque where we pray, we have to don the religious get-up consisting of a head scarve and long sleeves loose blouse and long pants or skirt. We're not suppose to show our skin except for our palm and our face although there are others who tend to overdo it. So, i had a job assignment to do vision screening at a mosque and obviously, I had to dress appropriately as a sign of respect even though I wasnt there to pray but to do my job. But I felt like a fakie coz I have yet to wear the head dress even though at my age, it is a compulsory act. Only thing is, if you are 110% percent ready then it is best not to put it on yet. If not, you'll be looked upon as some sinner in the muslim community with our bad ass attitude. We're supposed to be good muslims once we put that on coz being religious is not just about being well groomed on the outside but we have to be 'clean' on the inside as well. So those people who still cheat others of their money and using religion as a way to con people like the recent case of this muslim woman, they're morons with absolutely no respect.
Anyway, the staff at the mosque kindergarten were helpful especially the main co ordinator. Can tell that she is a good muslim coz for me, good muslims, like those with kindness in their hearts with little or non existent bad traits in them, tend to 'glow' from the inside. Really!! Those with a bad heart, usually their complexion has this dark and gloomy look to it and they're always very stingy with their smile. But many of them, they just have this glow like an angel. I..glow.....coz I put on sunscreen only. Eh, but recently right, I had not been putting on the sunscreen and I still looked like I glowed till I actually remembered that I had not put it on. WELL..what can I say..I AM a good person..heh heh..or was my face a tad bit oily that time? Hrm..nolah..Im simply a saint...
Oh, u know what? Have you seen people wearing those brightly coloured croc shoes that look like plastic clobbers with holes in them and they're wearing them like it's the latest trend? I tell ya..there're so farking ugly! I dont care about their benefits or whatever, and if you are looking for a pair of shoes that provide soles that are kind to ur feet, I suggest birkenstock sandals. They're way trendier, comfortable......and non clumsy looking like those croc shoes. They're simply an outfit killer! I dont think it matters if you wear those shoes to the wet market or something but if you are dressed up nicely from the top and until some pair of eyes linger to ur feet and spot those ugly shoes, which by the way dont match to anything, you are simply a fashion victim. And suddenly being bare footed and walking along orchard road is sexier. If you have that pair of shoes, I suggest you donate them to the third world countries, provided they dont send them to exile once the shoes touch their airport base. By the way, did anyone ever tell you that if it happens to rain when you're wearing those shoes, chances are your toes will shrink to the size of matchsticks due to the numerous holes in the shoes.

I am no fashion maven but I'll never be caught dead wearing these shoes. Even if they're in bright pink.
today was quite a fun day..az usual..i was 'clowning' around but it wasn't intentionally done. Go figure. narh, sometimes you dont have to try so hard but jz be ur usual self. It comes with self confidence. If you feel confident about urself, it's like the world revolves around ur buffered fingertips.
My partner did an amazing thing the other time and I could not thank her enough. Even though...uhm..it was sorta an escape for her over some matters which I knew she loathed to do but heck, she did me a huge favour without me asking and I thought I owed her some too. My mum, who is forever busie in her own terms only, which resulted me fetching my dad from the hospital at the last minute, thought that I should give her something in return. She wanted me to give her a huge box of chocolates and had it wrapped up. Well..since she didnt give me the money, and also knowing that my colleague ain't big on people giving her stuffs, i just bought her this row of ferrero rochers and a pair of manicure set. And I couldn't resist buying the same set for myself either. THis is what I call...shopping in woman's term. You almost couldnt resist buying something for urself either. Sometimes I forget I am there to buy someone a gift and not to buy the handbag selling at a huge discount. But hey....my uhm..previous set has been used till it is beyond recognition. My nails and I deserve better treatment after a harrowing week!
Okay, maybe what i want to say next may not please some muslims. So if you wanna comment, do comment wisely. Hey, give me a break coz religion is not some easy peasy sort of job. K, so I am a muslim and in a mosque where we pray, we have to don the religious get-up consisting of a head scarve and long sleeves loose blouse and long pants or skirt. We're not suppose to show our skin except for our palm and our face although there are others who tend to overdo it. So, i had a job assignment to do vision screening at a mosque and obviously, I had to dress appropriately as a sign of respect even though I wasnt there to pray but to do my job. But I felt like a fakie coz I have yet to wear the head dress even though at my age, it is a compulsory act. Only thing is, if you are 110% percent ready then it is best not to put it on yet. If not, you'll be looked upon as some sinner in the muslim community with our bad ass attitude. We're supposed to be good muslims once we put that on coz being religious is not just about being well groomed on the outside but we have to be 'clean' on the inside as well. So those people who still cheat others of their money and using religion as a way to con people like the recent case of this muslim woman, they're morons with absolutely no respect.
Anyway, the staff at the mosque kindergarten were helpful especially the main co ordinator. Can tell that she is a good muslim coz for me, good muslims, like those with kindness in their hearts with little or non existent bad traits in them, tend to 'glow' from the inside. Really!! Those with a bad heart, usually their complexion has this dark and gloomy look to it and they're always very stingy with their smile. But many of them, they just have this glow like an angel. I..glow.....coz I put on sunscreen only. Eh, but recently right, I had not been putting on the sunscreen and I still looked like I glowed till I actually remembered that I had not put it on. WELL..what can I say..I AM a good person..heh heh..or was my face a tad bit oily that time? Hrm..nolah..Im simply a saint...
Oh, u know what? Have you seen people wearing those brightly coloured croc shoes that look like plastic clobbers with holes in them and they're wearing them like it's the latest trend? I tell ya..there're so farking ugly! I dont care about their benefits or whatever, and if you are looking for a pair of shoes that provide soles that are kind to ur feet, I suggest birkenstock sandals. They're way trendier, comfortable......and non clumsy looking like those croc shoes. They're simply an outfit killer! I dont think it matters if you wear those shoes to the wet market or something but if you are dressed up nicely from the top and until some pair of eyes linger to ur feet and spot those ugly shoes, which by the way dont match to anything, you are simply a fashion victim. And suddenly being bare footed and walking along orchard road is sexier. If you have that pair of shoes, I suggest you donate them to the third world countries, provided they dont send them to exile once the shoes touch their airport base. By the way, did anyone ever tell you that if it happens to rain when you're wearing those shoes, chances are your toes will shrink to the size of matchsticks due to the numerous holes in the shoes.

I am no fashion maven but I'll never be caught dead wearing these shoes. Even if they're in bright pink.