Man..I love vertically challenged guys and I just lurve guys with this stout physique..and especially those biceps..wooh! Come on, let me touch them!!!! he can do magic on me anytime! It's like..wowza...btw, he's a magician. And he came to singapore to do his magic! why the hell they didn't inform me about it!! shit man..i could have done a 'groupie' thing on him. And maybe more...
Well david caruso, looks like you have competition. I mean..he's too tall..for goodness sake, he is 6ft tall! Can't reallie see him that way on tv since he's a bit the crooked..for the backbone I mean..not..somewhere else. Anyway, I love guys with a sense of mystery..he doesn't talk that much..but when he talks, it's like..WHAM! Instant attraction..although I have to act like im deaf since guys like these..they tend to whisper...heh..Whenever he talks, I have to turn up the volume a bit since..cannot hearlah what he says.
And I love guys in their work's like either plain white..OR Or OR....maroon. Wooh! I love guys who wears maroon! he wears a red shirt.
man..doncha just love GUYS?!!