I was on half leave in the Monday morning and therefore had to drag myself back to work that afternoon in the hot frakkin' sun. It was pretty weird that recently when I just came back from half day, visit to the doctor, or from medical leave, it felt as though I was a breath of fresh air entering the room. But it was more in the case of 'Ah finally! Help is here!' Sighz...if it makes me feel wanted, fine.
Still this case of relief on their part was also because the temp girl who came in late March to replace my male colleague on long leave was not much of help to them. They threw work at her while Im left with very basic simplistic jobs which still require attention but not as much as her only because they thought she was idling her time away surfing net and chatting for long stretches of time.
I do feel 'neglected' at times like I felt that those jobs should have been given to me since Im the permanent staff and she's not. Later on, I will have to do those jobs when she leaves later. These collecting of forms..the 'no brainer' jobs..should be given to her instead but no...Im doing it! Still, it's ok....no point protesting. Whatever tasks they throw at me, whether is it hard or easy, troublesome or not (those pesky kids...), I just do it and do my best in them (especially when it may equate to bigger performance bonus next year). Sometimes too, when I suddenly 'disappear' like I thought nobody ever bother my existence, such as my boss, I would find her popping her head in the room I was in like the discussion room or the sick bay just to make sure that I didn't go to some corner and sulk..heh.
Anyway I also know they have problems with the new temp girl for other reasons and they don't really talk much with her coz she's often in her own world of net surfing. For myself, I can't blame her if she has more workload than me but my problem with her is that she can be very rude to the parents on the phone and she sometimes give wrong info especially when she's not sure. Occasionally she will ask me and then at first she used to like ask and just as I was talking half way she would be like 'okay why dont you answer the call then?' or 'Okay why not I transfer the call to you and you help me answer?' Im like bloody hell....what's the point of asking me then, you dimwit! I would refuse and just tell her what to say to the caller and if she cant answer, just write down the name and message and direct it to the person in charge. So I think now she doesnt ask me unless there is nobody around and left with me and her.
Sigh...except sometimes she still ask me to help her page for the teachers in the staffroom to answer the calls coz I do that most times since I answer most of the calls in the office. Im fine with it if Im already at the P.A. phone paging for another teacher but Im NOT fine if I just happened to get up from my seat and she asked me to help page.
I missed those days when my male colleague was still around and when I wanted to get up and attend to the reception counter, he would be 'it's okay....I will do it' like it is his turn to do now or answer the calls since I had been doing it since earlier. Please ah, even my own boss who has her own share of bigger workload to do and so does not have to answer calls and attend to the reception counter, would also do them if everyone was tied down with calls and she happened to be at the counter. Seriously, who does the temp girl think she is when she is in her own bubble of 'oh i've got work to do' mentality so she cant do other things?
So I think me and my other colleagues are counting the days when she will vamoosh from here.
Hey, let's talk about some other people..heh. Earlier on, my colleague was showing me how to do the class lists for the magazine and then suddenly, she quipped, 'Do you know I hate that man?' in reference to the tech guy (who by the way went for a haircut..and his hairstyle doesnt look like bird's nest already) and then I was like asking her why and she said she tried to call him and sms him on Saturday regarding her computer problems when she came back that day to work but didnt respond to her. Seriously, I would understand why coz it's not a working day for him..or for the rest of us..but she came back coz she just wanted to do some unfinished work.
She said she also made sure everyone on her facebook knows that she hates him when she blasted on it that he was such an irritant.
I dont want to say much about them coz it is child's play. However I always feel that she is somehow trying to fault him at every trivial matter and he's just playing along or plain irritated with her. I didn't talk to him today and when I was in the discussion room cutting up some papers with the big paper cutter, they were talking about something and asking each other about it and then as if in a whisper, he asked that colleague of mine to help him ask me something since Im her friend. So she was like..'she's your friend too what!' I was thinking to myself over how funny that was coz suddenly he is shy with me after the weekend break?!
People can be such big mysteries sometimes...I dunno why they bother too much researching about UFOs.