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The L Word

Can I say something before I type blogging full fledge? Adam Lambert...whether or not he wins American Idol, his career has just been launched. He's one of those contestants who don't need to take the title in order to enjoy future success. Trust me on this. So I don't care if that Danny Gokey is gonna win eventually because he's like the typical classic contestant that the whole of America will embrace and vote for *rolls eyes* (though at one stage I seriously thought making Fantasia win was a huge mistake......and..I am right! Look at Jennifer Hudson!).

Okay! Well, last Friday spent the public hol at a good friend's house because we wanted to hold a simple birthday celebration for her. I did a little photo montage for her although I was not told the set up for it like whether it should be portrait or landscape but just in A4 size. Nevertheless, the birthday girl likes it and that is all that matters. For once I actually spent less than an hour doing the montage coz I had to go to work later so I had to force my creative juices out which fortunately were not fighting for space with the little perfectionist in me.

Actually, this week was a pretty interesting week for me apart from seeing David Arculeta which was definitely THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE offence to Nats in reference to her birthday celebration. I would blog about it later once I finish decluttering part of my room. It's one of those neverending battles much like paying off accumulated bills.

The other highlight was to have a guy saying 'I love you.....a lot' to me which my friend later told me it didn't mean anything but speaks lowly of the guy who says such things with ease...oh, and especially if he has a girlfriend. Believe me, I was not entirely shocked (surprisingly) and I played mind games with myself like maybe he said something else and I heard it wrongly. Maybe he said...'I GIVE you...a lot' or 'I LOAD you...a lot' since he gave me a bunch of chocolate easter eggs which were passed down to him by two of my other colleagues who didn't want them. But I could have sworn he said the L word! I know he treats me like a friend and is not as nasty to me as to another colleague and he has a tendency to be a bit on the sarcastic side.

But honestly speaking, even as a friend I don't deserve being 'Loved' by him because I don't think I am like a friend to him unlike my other colleagues whom he has lunch with together and share jokes (sarcasm) and stuffs. I even suspect that my colleague likes him but then again, she pretty much likes other guys too.

I appreciate his kindness to me lately like helping me pack leftover food like pizza, giving me a ride to the hospital when my father was discharged at last minute, burning me a soft copy of Microsoft office and lending me his container when I did not have one to pack. Oh, and recently he also helped me to attend to the boys in need of first aid when I got stuck serving other walk in people. But at one time he even called me on my phone asking me why I was late when I was stuck at the crazy traffic junction when the new underpass open and the roads have been diverted which I think I had mentioned before. Previously, he only was like ''re late' when I came to work like 3 or 5 minutes lates which actually started to get annoying coz nobody actually bothered if I came in around that time. Fortunately, now that I took another route to work, I have always been on time even though I hate that route coz it was like taking a short cut behind a forgotten alley but in broad daylight. But ah..then again, it was his suggestion also to take up that route coz it was faster.

Actually, I am puzzled why he's like so nice to me. He's even worried on a few counts like why I don't have regular lunch food like them and why do I always eat bread for lunch. The only logical conclusion I have is that maybe, I give out the vibe that I am a generally nice person and nice people deserve to be nice back..heh. Well....I am not exactly a genius at figuring things out anyway.

Whatever it is, I can only say that hey, if people are nice to you, let them be. Maybe it is also God's ways of helping me cope with life with a little bit of help from others....just as long as they are sincere about it and not have some ulterior motives behind them. As for the L word, I thank you for it and showing me how you appreciate me as a friend although that is quite a big word to show your appreciation. Rahayu also doesnt mind adding a figure to the number of male friends in her life..which is, zero is still a number.

If the appreciation leads to free things or free food, heck...Rahayu LOVES it!

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