Weekend was a mess over at my house. My mum was screaming and screaming away at my father and then at us and then back again like a game of beach volleyball except that this is no fun under the sun.
Me and my brother were really sick and tired of her screaming at my father who was actually feeling vulnerable coz he had a bout of bad diarrhea which caused him to run to the bathroom often. To me it was just a case of food poisoning coz of the recent scares and he didnt have such a problem until he visited the Indian Muslim coffeeshop nearby. I have no idea what he ate..but my bet was that he must have eaten the spicy curry coupled with milk tea or something..I dunno. However, to my mum she kept insisting that we send him to hospital coz she just could not take it anymore. I dunno what was it that was troubling her coz I dont see her having to clean him up or clean up the mess. She was just at her sofa, occasionally standing and then yelling at the top of her voice.
Both my parents are of different personalities. For my mum, she lacks patience and if she wants you to do something, she wants it done exactly her way and also lacks trust in people too like if you say that you have cleaned the toilet floor or flush the toilet, she does not believe you but will keep questioning you and then still end up with 'I dont believe you'. I try not to be rude coz as loud as she is and how she can drive people up the wall with her screaming fits, she is still after all my mother.
But seriously, only God knows how far my patience can be stretched and I know further yelling with her will only make things worse and I just let her win unless I want to get hell later. I know coz there were the occasional times when I let my emotions get the better of me and I too will start yelling back but I try as much as I can not to. What will happen is that I will get so emotionally affected that I will start crying because I would feel so helpless.
Plus I do not know what is wrong with my father's ears. I know he is not exactly good at hearing things but come on, with my mum's yelling reaching decibels higher than an airplane landing, how can he be able to tolerate?!! I mean when she asks you to clean up and then starts to yell and scream like some mad woman, you jolly well do lah! What the hell are you waiting for? My father tries to be ignorant but it's seriously not doing my mother, or us, any good for him to just sit down and pretend that all is fine and dandy..coz..it's not!!
And then just now I had to take half day leave in the morning to send him to the polyclinic doctor after my mum called his sister and she asked to send him to the poly first instead of the hospital coz it's cheaper since we're short of cash. My mum kept hoping that the doctor would write a referral letter and send him straight to the hospital but I doubt that was the case because he is still on medication for his diabetes and also his legs and hands are not swollen which is a sign of the kidneys are still functioning fairly well.
Anyway she is disappointed that he doesnt have to go because it's just a normal diarrhea. At least the medication has so far helped him although he is still pretty weak from the ordeal. He is so weak that he can't even take off his pants after coming back from the poly and until now when he just plonked himself on the bed to sleep at night. But before he went to bed and my mother was still yelling, he shouted back 'Noisy lah!' which my mum later laughed at his comment coz I think she finally realized that my father was frustrated with her.
Well, about time!