DAMMIT...Im angry. I am angry at my laptop because it's not working very well at a time when I discovered some recently uploaded indie films on youtube. I love watching these indie films...well..most of them, because they dont have the big bangs of blockbuster movies and they often invoke an array of emotions in you instead of making you ooh aahing over how handsome the leading A lister is. Of course unless the indie films have good looking leads as well which can happen. Like the one Im watching currently now..heh...but it's purely coincidental!! Luckily youtube does not have this international US copyrights where they wont screen to countries outside of US. Because of that, I was upset that when I got back my internet at home, I could no longer watch some indie films from a particular website. And then some special webisodes that I could not watch, I was able to do on youtube vecause some kind souls have gone through the trouble to download them to their pc and upload to the...