*Gasping* What a day!! Okay, so I came across a few self help motivational books at a Popular bookshop last friday..i mean seriously, the bookshop is named that way (unless u want to associate the name to yours truly..like im 'rahayuthePOPULAR'..k..*fine*). So, you know how i liked to yak recently about not wanting to idle my time away infront of the pc although ironically, something else happened. Okay, what the motivational books taught me (at least from reading its coverpages and the backpages..hehe...) that time is money...time mz be well managed....in order to make the best use of time to either make money or to accomplish more things in life. Of coz, initially..I was interested in the idea of making money to become a millionaire but once I started to refocus (after a few distractions from other books as well..like why men have nipples), but then, I thought to myself what exactly do i want to achieve out of my life. The more I think, the more things I felt that I wanted to...