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"Why some People are so Sucky..?"

hello there!

well..yesterday got a shitty feedback from the school I worked at yesterday....and this is the thanks we got from doing our job on time and then completing the schedule way way way ahead of fact it wasnt even afternoon and we didn't oblige when they wanted to bring in the second class which was supposed to be screened in the afternoon. And all the thanks we got was the mark of 'satisfactory' all the way down..even up to the point over health education, where I painstakingly explained to the children on the good habits of taking care of their eyes..and what did i get? Satisfactory! I tell ya..she didn't even think when she was ticking the boxes..and it was like tick...tick..tick....all the way. Not one sec of consideration! TALK ABOUT bloody gawd damn poor attitude of a stuck up principal who thinks she is the principal of a top notch school..puh lease! but then..typical of some singaporeans...who complain over every single thing.....and when we provide good service to them and what do they have? even more complains coz they want things done in a perfecto manner which is onlie befitting of their own self made description of a well-done service! matter what..we are always at the lower runk of they think they can step on our heads as and when they feel like it to show to us who is boss. Look...people earn a living for their own self or even make sacrifices so that they can pay bills and give a comfortable life to their families..and we are not as if 'stealing' from their rice bowl or what....we each have our own individual duties to perform...and the way people look down on those whom they assume probably has the easiest job with easy money coming in....u're onlie seeing upfront the things done. Look...if there are no sweepers...u think the pavements will be clean? if there are no rubbish collectors.....u think the rubbish will just disappear into thin air? If there are no cleaners in the food think the food scraps will just walk themselves to the nearest rubbish bin? hey...people should be treated with respect no matter how u perceive their job to be..whether they have to get down dirty with their hands when picking up the rubbish....or when people just snub them when they their customers if they need any's like only those who cannot treat others with respect that deserves to be treated like a barbarian. We are interlinked in this matter how diversified we matter how well educated we are....if mother nature comes....she doesn't pick and choose who will be swept away by the tidal waves. It's all the same in her eyes..if u are plain unlucky to be caught during one of her torrentous moment...u are just plain unlucky. That's it. However the need to survive is in all of the end of the day....the fruits of success that we experience from our hard work...are not just the result of our own sheer hard work..but how others may directly or indirectly contribute to them somehow. No organization will be successful....if the boss never bothers to look at things from the finer point of view....the view of those workers who sometimes have to slog and have to do the 'dirty' job. They are the ones who have to face the brunt of complaints sometimes from the customers who obviously lack in sensitivity for other people's feelings just to prove e customer is king. Yawns......You want people to respect you? Respect others first....don't assume that the job they are handling are far more easier than yours...which doesn't even involve pages and pages of planning..meeting with other big shots..and so forth. These people know better in terms of handling the physical aspects of the job either through providing front line service which requires meticulous paperwork....or having to carry heavy equipments...Like the recent meeting we had..the nurse matron who didn't understand what was the big fuss over having to carry the heavy equipments from one location to another..when some of them brought up the issue of the new service provider packing too many things in the bag for a whole month supply may not be handy when there is a need to transfer the bags which doesn't just include the stationery bag.

Mind you they are not light..and considering that most of the workers are working mothers from the late thirties to early fifties.....this is a challenging part of their job. And you know what has she got to say?! She said she don't know what is so hard about it...she sees it as the equivalent of carrying shopping bags during the Great Singapore come we can carry bags and bags of one go..but complain when the heavier bags may prove a problem during relocation. what the freak?!!!!! How can you equate those bags to the shopping bags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For YOUR information..we don't carry a medium sized laserjet printer...a laptop...a stationery bag filled with 1000 copies of big stickers...1000 b5 papers....stationery items...100 copies of phamplets...400 small stickers..and so forth..and i havent even got to the two extension wires. Oh and the laptop too...when we go shopping.

it's like i hate it when people assume that we are always having an easier time. we might have lesser work than them but it doesnt mean it is any easier either. Nobody gives the boss of the company manual jobs to do....those are given to the lesser workers. And nobody gives so much authority to these lesser workers if not there is not foothold in the company. So we are somehow intertwined....its like a give and take situation. You cant go around telling people that they have no right to voice their opinions just because you think their opinions are probably nonsensical or something and they're complaining over some things that in their stupid 'mindset' are probably do-able.......unless of course...they onlie complain and complain...but never do their work and so it is your job to keep them motivated and become more productive.

So sickening...but the world somehow functions that way......u just have to bear and grin with it..or do something about it. But if one person does a bad deed to you....sometimes there's a line of people waiting to do good deeds to you. So im taking it all in my strides..if there is an opportunity that rises.....i will give them a good lashing on how to treat others with respect...especially over those whom you constantly think will forever be under you. You have not seen anything yet..


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