by the werk today, my ex supervisor finallie came to audit us! wah...all this race to get to the school on time or at least try to reach before him paid off! Alrite alrite...he was late a bit coz there was traffic jam. *thank U GOD!* But after the audit....when my colleague and I were finallie alone, she was thinking maybe he came a bit later than usual..coz he knew we'd probably arrive around that time too. SucKeR! Aniwae he was hilaRIous and we joked around with him (he's such an easy tarGet!) like his upcoming trip will be to vietname. And erm..being single and 'looking around without much success apparently..heh heh....we asked him why he wanted to go, of all places, vietnam with his friend. He said shopping lah! Then..we kinda sniggered and then i said..'yeah shopping...for vietnam brides!' wahahaha..! if u live in singapore..u know all the uhm 'males' who want a demure obedient wife who is less qualified than he is (right..some singaporean women are shaking their heads at how small minded these guys are) and he was like grinning...erugh..kena (got) bullied again! Then we joked about love letters being thrown across cubicles and tables and he said that he managed to block a few letters since he was sitting in the middle between two colleagues who always managed to get themselves promoted despite their outstanding number of medical leaves..(fyi, he didn't like them that much either)...but we joked saying that narh..the love letters he catch and then throw at his admin assistant who is this auntie of whom he is always at logger heads at! Then he said no......that one is the other guy! He caught him throwing love letters and he hit them at that auntie's table...But we were like u didn't! U caught it and cancelled his name and put ur name instead! hahahah...okay, it was supposed to be funnie at that point of time. He was so not like our supervisor..just some small and tall skinny guy we can easily bullie! hai..and erm...the biggest joke was...he asked if we wanted to buy drinks coz he was gonna get it. And guess what? he said he'll wait for awhile coz there was a queue after which i turned out to see how long the queue was. And there was onlie a pathetic ONE PERSON onlie who was buying a drink. My colleague and i were like....'U CALL THAT A QUEUE?!!' Oh gawd..of which she retorts back..'ayu..our supervisor is 'siao' (Crazy)'....haha... he got himself a bit in the hot soup when this supervisor of mine who was asked to come to my team to audit two things onlie..came back nearly to three. Of course around 2pm alreadi our boss was asking the executives eh where is this fella leh...from morning until now havent come back. We didn't know that she was looking for him until around 2pm we got a call from our own supervisor as to where we were, wat time we left...wat time HE left...We lied lah say we're walking back to office along somewhere...Then my colleague called that guy and said eh they're looking for u get ur ass back to office..! of coz she didn't say ass lah but i think..she would have said that if he wasnt our ex supervisor in the first place...haha...STILL! He came back a bit later than us..and our boss..was like..aiyah...this rebellious executive agn...she said 'i tot u're not coming back'...then dunno what he mumbling...and showing his smirk look at us who was sniggering away....and she said 'i tot u rode on ur bike?'...after which he was mimicking what she said and then avoiding her qn. Bet the rest of the supervisors, who are obviously not like him...probably mocking at him..'hahaha! u kena (got it) again!"
'Nuff about him..aniwae i went on a quick 5 minute shopping. I could be quicker if not for tat two women who are browsing thru' the wallet section as if they own that area. It was at esprit and after which...I saw. Yes, I saw. THE BAG that was selling at 69.90 prior to that sales was selling at 29.90 onlie! WAH!! 'tak beli rugi ah!' (if dont buy, u lose out ah!) so i grabbed it lah! As easie as if's no but's..the friendly sales personnel then said this one last piece..selling at 29.90 onlie..then i said i want that bag..and she got me a new one. How cool is that too? Oh i bought a couple of other things too but er..okay! I was gullible. A few of the wallets had the 50% off tag on them so after which, their original price of 39.90 is cut down to a mere 19 plus dollars onlie. But they're not reallie nice. I saw one that is nice and with all the necessary pockets and coin compartment that will not make my fingers wrestle for space if i have to dig out coins. Remember i got big fat fingers? *Eurgh..* But the price they put there is 39.90 but without the discount tag. I tot..aiyah..maybe they forgot to put for this wallet?! So the counter staff later changed them for new ones and then after she keyed in, then i realised, damn! That wallet have no discount! Argh! I will never pay 39.90 for a wallet...let alone the original Esprit wallet! Na-uh! Even though I am using an existing esprit original wallet which i bought over the net for 14 dolar plus onlie...even that looked like a big amount! Damn damn damn...kena cheateD! Painful lesson learnt..sales dont mean all the things in the shop for sale k? Read the fine lines! The phrase 'up to' in the huge discount panel is also a trickster! DON'T GET TEMPTED BY IT! Oh well...the deed has been done. Now sourcing for mum..heh heh..this is such a good time coz she declares herself as 'filthy rich' now...
Okay..being the kind soul that I am....this is the picture of that tote bag which I bought at esprit.
Esprit bag on Sale!
Hrm...since we're on the topic of posting pics taken from my camerafon ('s finallie possible with this fon and the non-original cable...woohoo!...), I have this open declaration to make..
AlRite..besides the fact I swoon over David Caruso...he's coming back with the third season of cSI: Miami on channel axn on cable next week! Get out! woohoo..!!..and er...after watching the same repeated episodes to death...(but for david's sake..i'll gladly his arms..swoons.....), I'll take this refreshing change as a good start..phewh..But heart pain..coz Rory Cochraine's character, Tim Speedle is gonna DiE!! Argh!! I told u not to go around telling people about our secret relationship! U see what u've done! U're out of the show! Aniwae, here's a 'mugshot' of david..hehheh..geddit? 'mugshot'..coz this pic i pasted on my mug at my office table..*lame*
Rite then..tink I totally talked a lot in this blog after so long of not writing a single craP. Haiz..been busie with the web project for my friend..argh...sleep again tonite..haiz...