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"I am so Guilt StRicken"

hi there..peeps!

hrm forgot to intro u about my new multiply website..which brings me..I have a review to conduct. About the rather forgettable 'fantastic four' movie..SO! in dat case..please..go over to my other site..which I try to simultaneously type in addition to the one..the account..hhehe..Talk about multi-tasking. You can find the review at

well..anyway I have a confession to make. I am so sorrie to my mum for not letting her know that I took a half day yesterday after the morning class which was the onlie class I had to screen for the day with my colleague. Anyway, I took that time to contact my friend who just happened to live one or two blocks away and ask her to go for a movie. I don't know whether I should be feelin' guilty for not telling my mum my whereabouts or to relish in the so-called freedom I attained for taking the half day. But wat made it worse was that I was lying to her when she asked me where I am and asked me if I had gone back to office or not when there I was in my friend's bedroom for a while when she took a shower and a very long time to change..(haha..she was in her towel for like 15 min). Mum, I am sorrie. It's not that I am doing it on purpose. It was a sudden spur of idea the day before, on the sunday, for me to just chill out. And I didn't stray. When it was 5.30pm pronto, I excused myself to take a bus back to Kovan Mrt bus stop to reach there around the same time as I did if I took the train from my work place. And despite my friend constant requests to join her and her boyfriend for dinner (oh, it was his treat and invitation too), I felt guilty for not telling my mum about my half day. If people say that come on, I have my own life too, which by the way, I don't have to report to my mum all the time...I just feel attached to her that going somewhere without her approval..or in this case, without her knowledge, will make me guilt stricken.

Okay, at the very least I made up for it by calling up my supervisor and asking for an urgent leave by lying that my aunt is in hospital and the next day she will be going for surgery. Okay, that's a well qualified lie and something that i will not regret for the rest of my life..haha....and did what I did best in. Buying breakfast, go do some grocery shopping, withdraw my money and gave her quite a big portion of my pay (plus, it was bonuS too...woohoo!). After that going out with my brother again and hanged out the nearby shopping malls. I dont want to be known for being a mummy's girl...but I am just not born to be defiant or be mad at someone and not feel an inch of pain for hurting that someone. Well, I guess I am prettie okay with that..I hope. You know what..I love my family as it is. though we're not well off...we don't have a huge savings or something and go on travel holidays like other families...we're just comfortable with our standing. I dont care if my social life takes a nose dip if I don't go out with huge masses of friends and making NEW huge masses of friends...I'd prettie much prefer a more laid back sorta lifestyle without my friends giving me a tinkle on the fon every now and then.

That said, I wouldn't want to lie again to my mother coz it's causing me horrible guilt...and who knows what will happen to me that will make my mum rather puzzled coz she got the impression I am at work. You know trust has to be earned sometimes and if u're not playing ur part in working at gaining ur parents' trust or doing things against their trust, don't blame them if they stop u in hanging out with ur friends. Who cares if people say u're such a baby if u're scared of ur mom or pop. They deserve ur respect just as you deserve to gain their trust. Don't wait until u lose ur loved ones that u come to appreciate them for who they are. Love U aLL!


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