Yesterday I queued up for an AH-MA-ZING one hour and a half (actually no mean feat coz I've lined up that long for a charles and keith warehouse sales before..heh) just to enjoy the 50% and 30% discounts on papercraft materials from Made with Love . I've got myself a project after I've finally mustered the courage to ask the vice principal of my school that I volunteer to make cards for her to give to the teachers for their birthdays. She says can because she spent 'thousands' of dollars on it. Thousands? Will I earn that much too? Heh. I'm doing it out of publicity. Speaking of which, I forgot to bring home the camera from school which I'm supposed to use to take photos of my card. Le sigh. No matter what I will still officially start my shop on 1st May. Yay!! So while I'm not one of those hardcore paper crafters, and not really good at it, I believe I am still in a good position to just believe in my designs. Sounds like some tagline of an inspirat...