I was on half leave in the Monday morning and therefore had to drag myself back to work that afternoon in the hot frakkin' sun. It was pretty weird that recently when I just came back from half day, visit to the doctor, or from medical leave, it felt as though I was a breath of fresh air entering the room. But it was more in the case of 'Ah finally! Help is here!' Sighz...if it makes me feel wanted, fine. Still this case of relief on their part was also because the temp girl who came in late March to replace my male colleague on long leave was not much of help to them. They threw work at her while Im left with very basic simplistic jobs which still require attention but not as much as her only because they thought she was idling her time away surfing net and chatting for long stretches of time. I do feel 'neglected' at times like I felt that those jobs should have been given to me since Im the permanent staff and she's not. Later on, I will have to do those jobs...