You know how people change over the years....but there are just some things that dont change. You may not have seen the person for years and he or she would have matured over the years, maybe looking sexier, more lovely, or hunky (heh..) or moving in the opposite direction, with no explanation given as to what that means. But really, there are some habits, style or quirks that make matter how much you have changed physically.
As I recalled past times and then see the person now, whether on the internet, on the streets, or even on the tv, I cant help but to compare. Seriously, dont we all? For instance, I got an ex classmate from a secondary school (high school) whom I remember her as the petite looking girl who always had boyfriend problems and whose family members were not always in approval of them. But now she's happily married, with someone...well...'different' from her ex-es which could easily raise the issue that it was a match made one but hey, sometimes you can be clueless about love and then when you finally find it, it's something that you can never imagine. Or erm..what other people would have imagined as well.
Oh know how Im an advocate of happiness and everyone is entitled to be happy and does not necessarily have to confirm to what other people perceive to be the right kind of happiness. It's a personal choice.
For myself, I have matured over the years...but with a childish streak..coz some people just dont grow up fully..haha. Of course there is always this ongoing battle between me and my inner demons (like trying not to overeat..coz when rahayu is in her stark raving mad about food's horrigible I tell you!) and my self confidence that swings like a pendulum...but I am glad that Im still me..same ol' same ol'.
Speaking about love (still a swinging single...same ol' same ol')...sometimes I wonder how much I need to stand out from the rest of the girls to catch the attention of a buzzing bee. Do I have to be prettier? Sweeter? More intelligent? Sexier? HRM?!
But I believe there is a reason for everything.....or nothing. It's not that Im complaining over my status coz I cannot find the time to go out with some guy but it will be such a cool thing to hang out with someone who is of a different chromosome than you.
Then again, I have to be 'different' coz dont they all say that 'you are different from the rest of the girls I met'. Actually, I am different. I am by far, lazy, unpretty, chubby, of average intelligent, and do not have the energy to power dress unlike other girls who at least put on a nice pair of heels or earrings. So seriously, I cant complain much which is also why I dont expect something good to fall from the sky (maybe with a thud..especially if he's a hunk or he comes with a car..hehe).
Maybe if I finally do something to improve myself, I can get myself a decent............guy friend, if i am lucky. It may not catapult into a romantic relationship but at least, I am halfway there, haha.