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Showing posts from August, 2006


rahayuaug2806pt3 Originally uploaded by rahayupopz . one of the perils of being rather tall, can never take a close shot without forehead being cut off..haha..Still, i took it coz I liked my hair that day! I found a way to tame my hair and make it look glossy. blow dry and anti frizz lotion..the two things I had for yonks but seldom used!


rahayuaug2806pt2 Originally uploaded by rahayupopz . gosh...after i stopped using a sunscreen of spf 40++, my skins looks better and not 'aged' by the sun. Haiz...and they say a bare face is prone to aging.


rahayuaug2806 Originally uploaded by rahayupopz . sometimes I couldn't decide whether to smile or not...but ah, i think better teeth looks oddly out of place


glowing Originally uploaded by rahayupopz . okay this one I know was taken in feb the toilet some more right after i purchased the blouse i was wearing in the pic. jz thought that this pic, compared to my pics in august, I looked like a younger sister in this one. did you see how cheery and glowy I was then? devoid of problems, I wished I could turn back time..


This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.

Geek1 Geek 2

You know what. My blog entries have been rather depressing so here's a 'fun' take on something close to my heart. Right..doesn't mean Jason Mraz is a geek, Im contemplating on being a geek just like him. COz the truth is, I am ALREADY a geek way before he was born! And yet he's still older than me. what I told my friend the last few weeks we hung out together at library Orchard, Im all dressed up and all pretty (cough..cough..cough..) or rather, attempted to look pretty, I'd rather be known as a drop dead gorgeous bombshell who can't tell the difference between a chocolate chip and a computer chip. But don't let me start talking enthusiastically about something that spells out 'YOU'RE A GEEK!'..that's it, either my date is impressed or he's turned off coz he just found out he is dating a geek. But hey, in today's context, being a a cool thing..hehe..really! Okay, so on a typical 'get to know' sessio...

Hope and Forgiveness

I just saw this episode on Ghost Whisperer which was so emotional that I couldn't help but cry myself silly. Despite its slow ratings back then in America where apparently hot housewives seemed more likely to garner higher viewership or people lost forever on an island seemed to be more interesting, I don't care. One thing the show did show to mere mortals like me that when you have the chance to still be here, then treasure every single moment. I was having a bad day earlier on and was so sad yet mad at the same time I actually shed a tear in the bus..and man I was hoping the woman beside me was sleeping or distracted. I just felt that I was being pressurized by a mistake I made that no matter how I tried to explain my side of story, it wouldn't even matter anyway coz you know why? I had to write a freakin report that would go straight into my personal file. I had one of that report already in my file and in any case, apologies or feelings of remorse would not have made an...


That's it Rahayu! I have enough of you! You're going out with me! I're going down with me! But anyway, I am kinda angry with myself for being tryin' to be so freakin' perfect that in the end, nothing is achieved. I mean, sometimes I feel that I am being over conscious that I forget about the one thing that matters most: myself. Right, so that sounds rather 'selfish' but hey, if I want to say something for the benefit of others, why not right? I actually broke my own record for writing not one, not two but 5 freakin' drafts! Just over one stupid programme! Okay, it's not a stupid programme but it's just a way for me to push the blame on something else rather than myself..hee I wanted to say right from the start that I am in support of the Malay programme highlighting the ways one can do to stay healthy not just for their own sake but for their family's sake. It is a reality based programme tracking the progress of the host who is cu...

Black Clouds

Hey! I haven't been writing for awhile eh? Well, that's me..brain dead as ever. Anyway, things haven't been looking up and everything is so 'stagnified' if there is such a word for it..heh. But you know what? I am gonna live up to my motto, thanks to Jason Mraz, and that is 'Life is Wonderful'. Okay, so if let's say your pet cat died on the same day, you found out that your boyfriend is a jerk, what is so 'wonderful' about it? But think of it this way. Everything is so interconnected. It takes another girl to show your what a jerk your boyfriend is and it takes the death of your pet cat to make you realize how long you have been abandoning it to spend time with your boyfriend. Okay, more on 'touch base' stuffs: who am I kidding? If we all have smiles 'plastered' on our face all the time even when the raging fire threatens to burn our house down in smithereens, we’ll be checked into the nearest mental hospital for 'wat the hell...

Book Sale

Okay, Sunday didn't go that bad today and I didn't actually have to plan to an extent..I..tend NOT to follow most parts of e schedule coz it would be just plain ol' complicated...hehe..What do you expect from someone lazy like me? Anyway, today actually is the annual National Library Board Book Sale. Okay, I mean..that has been held for the past few years and I actually never attended a single one of them before till today, that is. I did wanna do 'I dont care about it' thingey about this sale too but I kinda felt like wouldnt hurt to just go there and take a look. At most, I'd just be 'sandwiched' among the crowd and survive getting out. if that helps. Besides, I got tonnes of errands to run especially on a Sunday. The day before, my friend kinda reminded me of the book sale coz she is an avid fan of books unlike plain ol' me who would rather be caught occasionally snooping around the gossip magazine corners in Borders to see who...


oSick...little Miss Rahayu is officially down with flu, a bit of cough and slight fever though the last one was only getting to me till I bathe. Somehow, bathing always make me feel refreshed and for awhile I dont feel as 'sickly' as I did less than half an hour ago. That's how I always manage to get to work and have not resorted to taking a single medical certificate yet coz by then, I would think that Im a tad bit better for work. Even on days when Im not working, I would be like a dying beached whale on my mattress but I would try to pull myself together and get my butt down to the bathroom. I didn't want to feel all 'sickly' and it was a habit which I kinda developed when I moved to this house and in the beginning, I was often sick. I didn't know if it had anything to do with the 'supernatural' or I was just trying to adapt to an entirely new environment. I had never been so sick before almost every week and it was a really bad sick...sick. Then,...


Happy national day!!... Eve of national day, and I fell ill. I would have continued lying in my bed...getting up every now and then to go to the loo and continue to slip in and out of unconsciousness just like yesterday, but I chose to do otherwise. I mean..going to the loo is still an essential...but I don't want to remain 'sick'. I don't know exactly what I was having..or IS having..coz every now and then my stomach will feel like it is being wringed dry like a wet towel or someone is doing an emergency pumping of my stomach. *ow ow ow...* Okay, so Im not completely well yet but for me, I dont like to be overtaken by my illness coz I hate being sick. I know that everybody will be saying the same thing unless of course, their flu or fever can grant them an mc from a dreaded event at work, for example. Hrm, Im quite tempted by that idea go to a doctor pronto and escape a day in the office tmw..muahahaha!!! Oh well...rahayu is just rahayu. Im just too 'nic...

My Sundays

Hola! Let me tell you about Sundays. First of all, I dont have to work. Second of all, I can pretty much do stuffs for maybe for ten minutes or for jz half an hour if Im lucky, before my mum starts giving me orders. But of course, being me...if I can complete the task or tasks which I have assigned myself to do like for example, organising my shit load of digital life articles, it would be rather taxing once it reached the one hour timeline, it will be like two three or even four weeks (that's a month!!) before I would remember what I last did. hehe..I know I tell myself constantly that this shouldn't be the way to control my life!! I should complete a given assignment from the start and see it finish till the end! what the hell...and life is what you make of it. So how do make my life? By procrastinating every single time! Haiz.....I want to be productive! I want to adopt that 'every second counts!'...and 'time is money!'..uhm...what do you ...