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guess what? I am SO officially sick. Now ain't this fun. I have been maintaining a clean health bill for at least the first three months and I tot that it was pretty ironic that april would be a common month for me to get sick. Actually, it is a miracle that I would be sitting down here and typing this out coz only today did I manage to actually not confine myself to bed. It was that bad...I never felt so 'sick'. I mean frankly speaking, sick of everything else..but not actuallie sick that I felt like dying as I was starting to develop fever.

and guess what..i was determined not to pay the doctor a visit coz I refused to take mc. Even though it was sucky that I actually had to work with someone who kinda did minimal admin work compared to me. Oh and also over the fact that she was on mc and urgent leave which left me with even bigger share of work. Even on the day when she was at work, she felt she was too sick to do admin stuffs like the mundane keying in of data. So it did feel like she wasnt around as well.

Oh bother. I guess you could say that why do i bother so much about people who dont care about my well being. I guess I am not speaking about her but other people as well. Although my mum, surprisingly, was concerned over my worsening illness and nagging at me to just leave people to their business and go to the damn doctor. But I dunno...I guess I was too sick to think straight..I still refuse to go doc as I felt I felt that....i dont want to trouble people. Still, the same time, I was fed up coz I felt like I was being pushed around. Not just by one person..but by more than one. Even to the extent when I was so fed up like hey...I worked my butt off by obeying what had been given to me as duties which I did not question. But when it came to my own priviledge of claining time off which are rightfully mine considering I worked on a non working day. Still even that met with more hesitation and with more empty promises till i was exasperated and thinking....that I am better off NOT claiming that time off. I guess it's jz a weakness of mine that I just ain't tough enough to protect what is rightfully mine. But on one hand, I think I can only show how truly in need of such time off especially when I am S.I.C.K. So I dunno..maybe it's meant to be or what...but my supervisor came just now for some field visit along with two students on attachment. Guess she saw how genuinely sick I was and how I still worked my ass off that this time around, she was not hesitant to grant me my time off. like..FINALLY!!!

So you can say that I really depend on good karma or total luck...whateva. Or maybe I was acting on people's sub-consciousness like how 'evil' they have been on me so they have a change of heart on me. Oh well.....what can I say. I ain't tough enough...but....i touch on people's nerve endings..hahahaha....


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