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Showing posts from July, 2005


if there is anything....ANYTHING AT ALL...tat will ruin any good diet..or any numerous workouts at the is these... right, I admit it..there's a whole lot of thinGs..and sometimes i'll just thrive on binging on them on certain days..i 'FESS UP! LOCK ME UP! fyi: the mnms are unopened...and my mum bought them for me just now..woo hoo!! rite..this is what i call a well spent Saturday! heaven..i'm in heaven.....

'Saturday fun time!'

gawd...this is saturday..and alreadi i felt its lethargicness..heh heh..alrite! this is the way to a saturday! in the morning i was determined to do the webdesign project for a friend of mine. I tell ya..if THIS is what i do for a living, err..forget about livinG! i am a major procrastinator and it's gonna be 10am alreadi and i onlie did one page. But hey..have to give credit to me coz it aint easy...for being someone who can put things together on a site but is crap when it comes to designing and colour co-ordinating. then again, if u're a one woman show, it's something that is 'by no choice'..just like these two big boobies are 'by no choice'....but ah..i am not complaining..about the latter that is! hee.. but no worries..u know what they say, the first step is always the hardest rite? just like what they always emphasize on Fear Factor that taking the first step before they ridiculously hang themselves over the ledge and attempt to be spidey, is alw...

Yahoo! No more Audit! and todae is FRIDAE!

no more more worries that the supervisor of another zone will cross over to ours and conduct the more. i kinda miss the heady feelings of having to rush to pack my bag..and even more worse..if i'm going to gym..double tat!.rush to grab my clothes..oh, and i havent even got to the bathing part dressing up. Yet. Woohoo! now i can finallie put on that foundation of mine instead of going there barefaced with just a hint of mascara and my eyebrows drawn. hrm..what shall i wear todae? oh i already planned to wear white...but my colleague is gonna dress up in black. Ultra cool yin and yang! and guess wat? todae is fridae! woohooz! the day has finallie come for me to frolick in the bed on a saturday morning and pretend that my bolster is ryan seacrest. and tomorrow is gransazers too! wah!!! erm..the last week episode, as the major gransazers are making their entries into their small and humble headquarters (it's more like a room actuallie)...and were '...

YAY! We finallie got auditeD!..can come late liaoz!

ouch..that 'world famous' blogger got her email account and blogsite hacKed! The perils of being famous..BAH! colleague was contemplating on why i bother reading her stuffs..even her husband was write what u wanna write to mock at others after they do mean things..(well at least according to her...) uhm..I had to 'protect' my reputation that narh..some of her articles ARE interesting..okay i cant lie! Some ARE interesting and my most interesting read is about her blog having been hacked and how she had to resort to begging the hacker via her own email to return back her blogsite and also the creator of the BIZ Stone himself. And guess what? He bloody hell returned her his reply..and got her site up! wowz...remind me to pepper up the email with a lot of i won this..i won that shit..if i want an ang moh to ever ever eveR send me and email. Hey..that no good leh..try this..'i'll send u a picture ... my new fon..hello to my newer fon!

wowz.. michael buble sure sounds nice...but he looked like such a dork on Las Vegas....turning the plates on some sticks. DoRk. ANiwae, how's my week? prettie okay?! of coz! i am rejoicing with my brand new handphone..uhm...quite lah..considering i got it from my colleague who likes to change handphone every now and then. And yes people...I have bluetooth! ReJoIce! And the best news is that..unlike my previous handphone..this one can connect to the ahem...non-nokia data cable so whateva pics i took with my handphone camera i can upload at ease! And it's free! Wah..good things sure come with money..heh heh...not that i want to say that the more money u have the better it has its downside as well..but for now..erm....I REJOICE! WOOHOO!! And i like the fact that i can change the cover. And I have alreadi changed the cover of my phone...and it's a total black cool now...which was the original cover...after using pink for the past two days. Right..I am still not te...

Rahayu is Over e Moon!

hi..there's a reason why i haven't been blogGing..coz I have been busie shoppiG! Woohooz! And the Great Singapore Sale will have been nothing if not for the windfall my family recently received after our last disappointment on my father's bdae. On that day, instead of heady feelings of having acquired wealth, we acquired bad news instead that our 3 years of waiting for the second windfall from my father's central provident fund was fruitless. But my mum was determined to get something out of it and called in again and there was this kind soul whose suggestion of an unknown policy among many, brought us luck and made us more financially stable. The whole family thank U now. I didn't expect that it would be approved, and even better, less than the stipulated one month of waiting, and that the cheque would be posted to us. I tot that all they would do is just approve or wat and the whole family will go down. But no...the form merely asked my father to write his name do...

New Layout Up!!

Hi!! Like my new layout? If u think I got a thing for marilyn I don't. It's not that I have disrespect for her especially since she's long gone (and also becoz I don want her her ghost to come a-visit..hee), but I think i'd rather put up a pic that will suit my taste instead. Also, I have respect for the one who did this's reallie nice yet simple to navigate! I did a few tweaks here and there and hopefully, I get to put up a background pic that I can associate with. Anyway, how's my week? Okay, I can tell u now though..I am having running nose..Even as I am typing, my freakin' journal, my freakin' nose can't stop tricklinG...but it's okay, it's still pretti much under control. For now. Oh, I saw my friend just now coz I happened to screen the children at the kindergarten under his flat. No wonder the flat looked familiar because I had been to his house before in year 2000. That was like..erm..5 years aGo?! Wowza...then t...

BloG undeR ConsTruction...

are u looking at my blOg? if u are..good luck in reading the woRds...seriouSly can't be bloG is undergoing some construCtion..and the probz with this thing is that...when I preview my bloG..and then publiSH it is entiRely diffeRent..then..sighz..I have to go back to the template mode and Do something about it..which U ask me is not entiREly useful!! okay..okay..rahayu is known for her patience..and her attractiveneSs..this small itsy bitsy thing wont huRt her rite? RITE??!! grr....

"I am so Guilt StRicken"

hi there..peeps! hrm forgot to intro u about my new multiply website..which brings me..I have a review to conduct. About the rather forgettable 'fantastic four' movie..SO! in dat case..please..go over to my other site..which I try to simultaneously type in addition to the one..the account..hhehe..Talk about multi-tasking. You can find the review at well..anyway I have a confession to make. I am so sorrie to my mum for not letting her know that I took a half day yesterday after the morning class which was the onlie class I had to screen for the day with my colleague. Anyway, I took that time to contact my friend who just happened to live one or two blocks away and ask her to go for a movie. I don't know whether I should be feelin' guilty for not telling my mum my whereabouts or to relish in the so-called freedom I attained for taking the half day. But wat made it worse was that I was lying to her when she asked me where I am an...

Finished Way too EaRlie

well..i forgot to update regarding the security id card mentioned in my previous entry. colleague who arrived first verified that it was indeed there..phew..and then i promised not to be absent-minded anymore. Like check means compromising on that! hrm...actuallie we got a little bit of a crisis here. the problem with the current schedule is that there is a bit of time left after we screen the first class in the morning. that means teachers or even principals can easily squeeze in another class for screening..which is ahead of our schedule which is one class per session onlie..for eg one class in the morning and the rest of the time is for paperwork. it's like as much as we want to finish up the class quickly just like the teachers not liking us to stay and occupy their space...we have to adhere to the schedule as per given if not we'll have like one or two days extra since we finish it a bit too quickly. And..u think that's not bad?! It's bad!! You ...


do you know how terribly absent minded i can be? and just...before i tried to write in this journal...i was looking around for the other scotch tape that has prettie patterns on it (am a sucker for it)..and guess what? for that short moment..i couldnt find it. then i saw. u know where? inside the plastic bag where i was throwing the bits and pieces of paper on the table when i helped do my brother's art. can u imagine if i had accidentally thrown away? it would be like throwing away an almost unused $4 dollar worth of fancy scotch tape...haiz..oh, and yesterday i forgot to bring my handphone to work. It was the first time i forgot with this brand new fon of mine. I mean...Ive always made the effort to bring coz it would be prettie hard if I didn't bring it. First of colleague cant reach me in the morning and inform me if my supervisor is around or the coast is clear..meaning i can take my own sweet time coming instead of clouding my mind with his unexpected visit..when...

"Half a Year Gone.."

sighz...before u know it..half of the year is alreadi GoNe! for those of u STILL unaware of this, pls go check ur calendar. Or at least get out of ur bed. i went for a jog! woo hoo! six rounds! woo hoo..! and the fact that i ran non-stop (err..except for that one metre and a half walk to get back my composure) for six a celebration in all! i love it when i pushed myself and got there in one piece. U know what..I can't reallie see the difference..but i can feel the difference when i wear clothes like I don't feel so 'bulky' like I used to. so in the last month..I er..spent quite a bit on new clothes and I don't feel so 'shy' leh..hehe..Oh, and this is the best parts..on total counts more than 5 people remarked that I looked like I have lost some's T.R.U.E.!! Last time, to hear people say that..(like maybe one or two persons out of the 4.2million population in Singapore) is onlie because e person was just being nice..b...

"A lost hope..."

it has been a tough week from the start and our 3 years of anticipating to acquire a bit of wealth from my dad's cpf (provident fund) proved to bear no fruit at all. after one..then two..then three days of not receiving any cheque through the mailbox, my mum thought that it'd be best to call them personally and ask them what happened. it was onlie then, that i found out the whole hard truth in the morning..right after they opened the lines for phone enquiries. that my dad had actuallie signed up the other half of his provident fund right into the retirement fund and that this retirement fund account cannot be touched until he reaches the age of 62..that is equivalent to waiting for yet another 4 years! and don't know if my father can be in a very healthy state by then coz even though he is still working to support the family, he's not exactly strong like before after more than 25 years of working physically. so just as we had this dream of making so many plans...(thank ...