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I Don't Want to be Broke Anymore

I saw this post on IG or Instagram about the Rock saying that he used to have just $7.00 in his wallet and he didn't let it get him by telling himself that that would be the last time ever that he would be broke. And look at where he stand now. It reminded me of back then towards the end of 2014 where I was like so broke and I even mentioned before that I did things I wasn't proud of and I was determined to get out that really bad financial situation as I was in a really bad shape. The following month when I had the bonus and then throughout the following year as well, I told myself that I will NEVER be dirt broke again.

I kept that promise as much as I can. Of course financially, there's ups and downs where I see my savings start to dwindle and I can't help that much but I still ensure I am not completely broke and that I do have some emergency stash. Sometimes I forget when I spend unnecessarily although I do a quick recap how much I have out of habit so that I have some moolah to fall back on if I make certain purchases. 

Another story I read recently also struck me about how a single mum of two children who are both young adults with one of them being autistic. Now she knows where she stand. She knows she is not well off even though she's working and that her son is earning some money as well when he is doing national service. From the last report written about her on her encounter with a bag stealer that got away with her last $50, she got some public donations which she was quick to add that she uses the money sparingly. She said for her poor family, having $100 is like having $500. It's big money to them.

For the break fast on that day when a news reporter came to her house, she was cooking Nasi Lemak which is usually eaten with sambal or grounded chilli with fish or chicken. But she didn't have fish or chicken because she said it's expensive to buy chicken in the market. Also, whatever is available to eat at home, they will eat even if it is a simple fare of rice, egg and black sauce. She said as long as they're full, that's what matters and also there are other people who are worse off than her even though she herself is suffering from a chronic kidney disease but she's not seeking treatment because she can't afford.

It makes me realise when I read the story where I stand too. I'm only human and I do make mistakes too but again I go back to my own promise of not wanting to be dirt poor or dead broke again. I just don't keep making the same mistakes again. If I want to get something, I must work hard to earn my keep by working harder at getting orders and not screwing up my orders and despite my rant in my previous post, I know I can't please everyone. But they are those who were happy with my service and I'm really happy when they give such positive comments because these make me go on. 

I am also inspired by other female entrepreneurs who work hard every single day to make their business a success. Even though they are already successful, they do not stop there. They keep at it knowing how tough it can be with a lot of competition out there and they up their game through collaborations and making their business stand out from others.

I also go back to why I started this side business which is to get a steady stream of additional money every week so that I can save some moolah and also to 'entertain' my mother's requests for slightly more expensive fruits like kiwi and dragon fruits because she said they're more healthier. Also, she doesn't cook every day so I also have to accede to her request to buy takeaway food and they can be such an expense killer.

So yes, I don't want to be broke anymore. I also know there's a limit to saving and not earning. So I also need to focus on both equations to keep it balanced so that I don't live a miserable life by scrutinising every expense. Those people who earn Birkins or LV bags, I don't judge them. They are still raking in the money through their business ventures so these are like reminders as well as to how far they've come in being successful. But they are also avid savers too because in this economy, nothing is stable with more and more people entering the various industries as long as money can be made in them.

If you're reading this and you're dead broke, tell yourself that this is the last time EVER that you will be broke and that from now on, you will save AND you will learn to earn more than you are right now. Good luck :)

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