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Goal Setting for My Online Shop - The Results of It

 I seriously need to do some goal setting. I did it for my online shop and I managed to pull in some sales although I would have to spend some money first. But if I want my online shop to succeed, I need to spend money in order to make money, right? Psyching myself. It isn't much like probably $10.00 just for the notebooks itself, not counting the materials itself because I have them on ready stock and probably don't have to get anymore because they're not customised projects.

So it also got me another project which I haven't done, okay probably did a mini one the last time and so much effort was needed. I think mini books are cute and if done right, can look beautiful but the amount of work for different pages, if I am not aiming for simplicity, can be quite a turn off, haha. If someone orders a mini book from me, then I would do it. Otherwise, there is no sense of motivation.

Not sure what I am talking about? 

Something like this. This is not my work, of course and I got it off the internet.

The whole point of me yakking about mini books is because the project that was supposed to be a mini book turned out to be a full 12" X 12" scrapbook instead with *gasp* 10 pages. Honestly, I could do it if there is a need for it. If I want to make the dough, I gotta put in effort. But she didn't want the ring binders and want it bounded which is, difficult, because it will be heavy without the ring binders such as the one in the picture or at least if she really wants, then I will have to get the album as well. But currently I'm charging her $15.00 instead of $19.00 because it's my first project. Plus I'm lousy with charging prices..ha.

We'll see how it goes. Crosses fingers. If she really wants it to be 10 sheets without the ring binders, I will have to scour the internet again for ideas on how I can bind them together.

That's pretty much how I spend my extended leave as I took leave from work since last Thursday. Finding ideas on how to bring in more interest, and possible customers, for my online shop. You can pay a visit to it when you click here.

I also spend time making cards for my usual monthly orders and I ended up gonna give two of them away instead.

Oh well, if they like my cards, why not?

Initially, I was like nobody likes my card! Yes, my usual boo-hoo rant when after some time, nobody seems to take interest. Sad to let them go but it will be useless for me to keep too..haha. I like making them but not really keeping them due to space constraint.

So, I took on my brother's advice since he went for the social media workshop in his school and he introduced this concept called the freebie marketing where one of the early adopters was Gillette, you know the well known razor brand. I was supposed to give to the first four comments only but I don't know how, people still comment despite after the first four. Since they helped me share the facebook post, , as one of the ways of getting potential customers, and since I didn't end the post quickly because I went out, I decided to give all 10 (excluding my brother who commented as well...) a notebook each. 

Not all replied yet and I'm not going to ask for their address anymore, except for one of them, so whoever replied, I will give them one as a token of appreciation :) I probably will have to make 3 or 4 on the go to cut down time. It's also a good way to cut down on  my supplies because they're getting too much already. Oops. I don't think I can create even more space for it.

So if you're like me, struggling with finding ways of making your online shop a success or getting orders, you can try this method of freebie marketing. If you think, oh you gotta spend money, blah blah, let me tell you, these very people may be the ones helping your online shop to succeed if other people ask them or if they intro your shop to others via word of mouth. If you work hard, you will get your deserving rewards and it's not just in terms of monetary rewards :)

Good luck!

Visit my online store


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