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So pooped Out

Im pooped..totally pooped. I thought that right after hari raya Im going to come back to the route of health..I even went to the extent of going to the gym twice because that is what I normally do. But I still ended up eating more than my previous daily intake due to the festive season...haha..can't escape. Even my mum cooks but luckily it's only one dish. And yup, she had to give it to me after 12 midnight and according to a magazine, you can gain weight faster when you eat past 8 even if you do not exceed your daily calorie intake. I can't be saying no to my mum...she gets annoyed if people dont taste her cooking or waste, comment too much or never say that her food is very nicef and she will do this 'i refuse to cook for anyone' protest. She will also be all sarcastic by telling us to go eat outside because they are much tastier than her cooking but we all don't know that they put a lot of monosodium glutamate but what do we know, we only go for the taste. What the...Actually cook for the family is very righteous thing to do and one of the responsibilities of a filial wife. So my mum is a rebel....and what am I? Im just a silent rebel but face to face with my mum, I'll forget about being a silent rebel..haiz, the things I face everyday. Okay, whatever it is...I want to start all over again. I have given myself until the end of this month to lose 7 kg. November is coming up..and then erm, technically, there's only two month. dammit..that means I seriously have to cut down on food intake. Okay, lucky I don't have to go out for lunch with anyone and you've heard me saying about what I usually eat during lunch alone. Practically very light food like fruits, bread or soya bean milk or even a combi of them so I seriously hope I can maintain like this starting from er..wait..shall I start on Sunday or tomorrow Monday? Ah..the earlier I start the better. I've already did planned into my schedule to go gym this Tuesday and Thursday but after eating a lot during the weekend, I think Saturday also lah. Maybe I'll go ask my friend if she's up to it. Yes people, Im a gym freak...I gained 1 kg and I freaked out..coz that 1kg is enough to cause my stomach to be bloated. Okay now it has slightly deflated ever since I stopped eating as much as during the fasting month despite eating just one meal per one day. The only reason that I can conclude from that is because of my body reacting to such high quantity of food at one sitting coz I had to eat for storage the next day as lazy lah to wake up in the middle of the night to eat. Now that it has gone back to normal, it is not as bad as before that I cant even zip up without feelin out of breath. But the past few days have not given me any justice either..haha..okaylah, let's just put the past behind and start all over (again) and I'll get myself to fully focus on losing 7kg.

Im going to the gym again this week! Once again, yay me! Hrm, talking about the gym, I went to the Hougang gym last Wednesday and the entrance fee is cheap. Very cheap. It is just 2.50! Can you imagine? Instead of spending that money on lunch, it can be used for exercise purpose! Thats called..good money psychoing everyone to start working out. Okaylah..I was of course nervous but just a little bit because of my past experience in another similar gym in Yishun with my friend. We were first timers so it was rather jittery..but one thing I wanna tell you..the people there? They are not very friendly because who cares if you are struggling to adjust your machine..their concern is to bulk up their muscles. Even though tht will do justice to girls like me who simply adore well defined biceps, it doesn't mean you cant render help to little lost sheep like me and my friend! The can they ignore our guy..even ignored our plea to help us with the machine.

Oh well...whatever it good thing is that you are basically in your own little world. but of course, to make it even better, to go at a time when it is not too crowded. Peak hours? Weekend? Should totally avoid. So far, the Yishun one surprisingly isn't that crowded even on a Saturday. Maybe Yishun residents not very conscious..with the exception of my friend of course *whistling*...before she yells at me. You know what people? If you feel a little apprehensive...should loosen up a bit and get a buddy or a small group of friends to go with you so that it doesn't feel that awkward anymore. For girls, I can guarantee you that it is a tiny haven for cute guys..cute guys with the cutest biceps..wooh! My life can't get any better.

The one in my neighbourhood, there is a good mix of chinese and malay guys and I know I am oh-so-single and available, but Im not in the mood to hook up with anybody lah..hehe. The chinese guys..which I a major attraction to me but I'll just be fair and square. Instead of picking out my potential dates...I'd rather concentrate on losing the extra flab which I gained from eating almost everyday which is a stark difference from the previous time before when heavy meals are unheard least in my books. Hey, you're not the one who has to lose more than 30kg. So i have another 10kg to lose but I think Im going to take my own sweet time lah with that..haha..i'll give myself a year until my next birthday.

Hrm, let's steer away from this 'im mad coz I put on 1kg' syndrome...let's talk about guys. I think Im losing it. Seriously! I used to be like going ga-ga over the majorly hot or cute guys but now, every Thomas, Dickinson and Harriot are suddenly! What the...Do you know what that means? It's only pointing to how desperate I am! See lah..blame it on Ryan..who ask him to make himself unavailable at the clinic? He's making me lose my focus by being out of my focus..hey, that just sounded cool..heh heh..But anyway, the point is...sometimes when you can't get what you want..or at least get to look at look at the alternatives. In my case, they're mostly bad alternatives. I still scratch my head over why Im so ga-ga over Ryan. He's no Ryan Seacrest..he's just Ryan..gawd...I don't even know his surname. Okay okay..let's do this. I will forget Ryan ever exists (well he's role playing that very well! hrmph...) and I will pretend that Im Beyonce or any hot sexy mammas who is..uhm...too hot to handle for anyone. That way, I will make myself look desperate by thinking that even a below average looking guy is suddenly good looking according to my four-eyed vision but I will concentrate on making them look at me..haha...that's the way it goes. Come on..I can do this. Im beyonce right? Beyonce aint taking any other man but the one who is filthy rich and famous and she still does her own stuffs. I wanna be like that!

So yup, later on I'll be putting up pictures from the hari raya gatherings I had in three different houses. My colleagues are planning this house visit thingey on the 12th November. Technically, I have two more weeks to go before I bust my health plans I'd better take care of my diet this time round before that day. No more excuses Rahayu and this is the final warning! *gawd im such a freak*


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