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Bonus and Budget for 2010

Wow, it's so great to get me bonus this month after a few months of dry spell because I didn't get the mid year bonus due to the bad economy. But by having a job with no hint of me getting booted off (unless I decide to screw things up accidentally), I should be more than thankful.

So finally I got myself a new wallet from Guess and I'm loving it! (with no reference to McDonald's of course). It's black and patented and it's a perfect replacement for my previous Guess wallet that has outlived it's life. Of course I think it will be more complete if I can get a Guess bag as well but it's no biggie for me especially if it's a rather common sight for those so called hip looking Minah (Malay girls) and even the Malay mak ciks (aunties) *shudders* to carry one. Oh, did I tell ya I got it at a discounted price? It was originally SGD 69.90 but I got it at SGD 39.90. I even bought a pair of black heels that was also heavily discounted at 40% off. Don't get me started on my purchase from the Mango sales. Well, who says I can't save even when shopping? I waited almost a whole year for it so don't go breaking my poor heart by saying I wasted money..hehe.

And Im also happy coz I made a second trip to Malaysia and this time to Malacca. I've always wanted to go there because it reminded me of back then when I was a very young girl and I made my trip there with my extended family to visit my mother's brother who lives there with his huge family. I could have shopped for many things but they gave us only a pathetic one hour of shopping at a shopping centre and most of the time we were at the local tourist attractions. Still, I managed to snag two long sleeves top so that one hour is not wasted at all. But I guess it's okay coz Malacca has a rich history so we ought to learn more about that and if I want to do shopping, Im better off doing that at KL. Oh I so want to go there again coz I think we're still not done with our shopping! And this time, we know exactly where to go! 

Anyway, I shall put up the photos soon once I have done my 'magic' with the scrapblogging. I have several other photo montages to do but I've been slacking. Okay the thing is, I am so ready to blog but whenever I actually have the time to do it, I have a brain freeze! It's like I absolutely either don't feel like blogging or I just don't know what to blog about but infact I do. But that is about to change coz this time, I will plan first so that I can just let my fingers do the walking later. So if my post is riddled with bad spellings and grammatical errors, please look past them because Im trying my best to type before hell brain juice freezes over.

If my friends do plan another trip to KL next year, I hope they inform me early so that I can try to include that as part of my budget. I actually have my budget worked out for next year and I don't want to think too much as to whether I will be successful at it or not but at the very least, I want to have more than 50% success rate. To me, it's a rather healthy amount of slightly more than 1K if I can save about $50 per month including my performance bonus (PB) in March. The PB won't be as much as the bonus despite itself being a bonus because if they are really paying me a lot, they seriously didn't see how much I screwed up this year..heh. By the way, I didn't do that on purpose because this year, I picked up more responsibilities. They are like an extension to what I have been doing last year. Okay, Im not trying to be overly enthusiastic about my PB but if I can at least get about the same amount as last year, then Im more than happy already. Look, it's easy to please me especially if you give me money..haha. Hrm speaking of which, I also wonder if we still get the GST credit payout from the government next year. (update: I checked the website and apparently, they said we will in 2010 so fingers crossed!)

And by the end of March, if I have managed to successfully save up quite a bit, I might consider opening a bank account and see my money grow! It's like an investment although not quite there yet. See, I told you Im going to start keeping a stash of money for emergency use. It's just a matter of whether I will be able to stick to what I have planned..ha! I mean knowing life itself is full of surprises and twists and turns just like my soap dramas.

Oh, Im also in the midst of starting my own blogshop selling handmade accessories. Ok fine, I merely touched the surface but if I can manage to set aside some time for it and urh, not be lazy, I will very well be on the way to opening one. Im not looking at making a lot of money out if it. Infact, it's just like a gallery of sorts where I will display my simple creations online. Heck, if I can get at least 10 to 20 dollars per month, I will be happy. Like I said, Im easily satisfied with money.

I've got lotsa things in mind but apart from what I have said so far, I do want to be more in touch with my religion. Money does make life a bit easier especially for me when I have a family to support and bills to pay. But I also need to get in touch with my spiritual self and I want to teach my brother so that he can grow up to become a better Muslim as well. I know I haven't been doing that coz Im not exactly pious but I also don't want to do things that are just not in line with my religious teachings. There are people out there who have visited the Holy Land but when they come back, they are still as foul mouthed. Like seriously, what is the point of going there when you still talk sh*t about other people? That is totally being disrespectful of others.

But I shall not comment much about them. There are other things in life worth talking about.

So wish me luck with those plans I have in mind because being me, surely some things will crop up and put a damper to my spirits. But as the saying goes, we fall, we pick ourselves up, dust off and continue our journey again.

Or at least have a plan B ready.

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