I love the song from Yuna feat. Usher called Usher. It's such a dreamy tune and you just can't help but listen to it over and over again..well at least for me, haha. It just takes you to a time when you're crushing on someone and then dreaming about if he or she is crushing on you too and what if both you react on the crush that you have on each other, leading to the first date. But what if the crush is just one sided and what if the crush you have been eyeing has someone else in mind. Although just like how life is unpredictable, you'll never know that things can make a turn around and then somewhere in future, the two of you can just end up together. Well it takes both hands to clap although I feel that if one of the parties in the crush actually make some effort, no matter how little, like a smile as a friendly gesture for a start, you just have to trust that things will fall into place. I mean go for it without any hung ups or expectations because the least yo...