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Studying Resumed for Module 3. The Trials & Tribulation.

I've resumed studies just three weeks ago, and I'm happy to be going to school, sleeping during some parts of lecture (heh..) and writing furiously the model answers to one of the tutorials. Oh, and not forgetting number crunching for the accounting lecture and tutorial. I admit it's tough for me because I've a full time job which I quickly have to rush from to attend the classes and then be home at 11 plus after doing some grocering shopping for mum. Then I have to wake up one and a half hour to two hours earlier to fulfill my orders for my online shop and have to continue parts of it at work, without people noticing, especially my boss. 

But other people are also going through difficulties and they've come to this close giving up when they face with personal and family problems. For one of the students, she hasn't been coming to class for the last module, in the last two months of school including the presentation itself. Apparently the tutor called her and she was actually enjoying herself in Krabi. She made up her mind to give up already so she didn't bother coming for the presentation. 

Somehow, the tutor managed to talk her around and just ask her to simply come and present which she eventually did when she landed in Singapore and immediately and feverishly worked on preparing her presentation. So here she is, talking to us and telling us the 'miracle' of having to pass all the 3 modules including everyone's killer subject, the ECONOMICS. Yes, I need to emphasize that word, haha. She was so much in disbelief that she had to screenshot her results and showed her other friend to tell her in her face, that she had indeed passed.

In the process, we did lose a classmate who gave an excuse that his leg was hurting because he walks with a limp. But eventually, his real excuse was that he didn't want to continue as it got harder. My classmates who had been rallying him to continue eventually found their own reasons to not continue, for example the money issue and family problem.

However thankfully, they pulled through by paying the money for the next module to continue getting three more certs and the eventual diploma. For me, I have no reason to quit. Being a single income earner for the fam, and who barely have enough to scrap through to the next pay, money is probably my biggest issue. But thankfully, despite the rise in school fess, my financial situation qualifies me for the bursary to pay for them although even then, I had to fork out partially using my own money as I used part of it to cover the household expenses. 

In life, we have many setbacks. I used to think why can't I eat in family restaurants like these people anytime I wish or idle my time away on my iPad. To me, that's not important anymore. If I can afford to buy it, then it's good at least for the family restaurant part as it's nice to treat your family once in awhile. Other than that, material goods like the iPad, doesn't add value to my life. I don't' think I have any use for it. I would rather get a new laptop so that I can do my school work and run my online shop without having to share with my brother.

But investing in education, or any form of learning that add value to your life, is worth it. It's tough but then again, if it's too smooth sailing, then we won't be grateful for the certs that we get as we felt we didn't work hard enough for them.

If you're in a brink of quitting your studies or going through exams thinking why am I doing this to myself (like I did when I had my last exams in August), just think of it as sacrificing now for a better future. All the best!

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