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Showing posts from October, 2012

Back from Hiatus

 Hi Hi, I'm back from quite a long hiatus! Yah I've been sick in the middle of the month and got super busy at work ever since we got the news that the auditors were coming so we have to clear a lot of back end work! I can't do much of any other things except clearing these back end work. So when I got back, I'm too tired to even open up blogger and type away so I chose to spend my time watching clips of Days of Our Lives, playing the Sims Social and also taking long naps. Oh, besides watching the popular soap drama DOOL, I've always been watching motivational videos and reading articles on them because I want to improve my life. I'm sick of being in debt due to my bad financial decisions and also how I have been spending my life. I don't want to merely exist but I want to live. I believe that if you put your mind to it, not give up and stay focus, you can make your dreams come true. Plus have you heard of the saying “Always aim for the Moon...

Shopping Warzone & Other Shopping Goodies

I entered  a war zone when I went to a Charles & Keith warehouse sales last Friday evening and while the crowd wasn't so bad initially but the longer I was there, the worse the crowd was becoming to a point of being jostled around and having little standing and walking space. To think that I wasn't even feeling very well and yet somehow, I made it there. Go figure. I mean, come on, it's a sales that I've been waiting for and the last time I was there, I didn't get any bags so I hope to get one as the current bag I have from them have started to peel though I really do like the bag. Sad but true story..haha. Anyway, the most amusing part was when the new trolleys of new unopened bags came in and the crowd went wild. Everyone started to gather around the bags area and the sales assistants were flinging bags and the crowd were stretching out their arms hoping to 'bag' the deal..get it? Heh. I didn't get any coz I didn't really stretch out my arm...

Awakened Shopping Spirit and a...Certain Website

After a long period of dry spell, the shopping spirit in me wakes up and I've been buying quite a number of things lately namely makeup, clothes, shoes and bags. Shoes, I've bought from a previous Johor trip and so far, I've worn one pair. Knowing me, I aimed for the sandals first because my current one is beyond recognition. As much as I thought that I've bought quite a number, let's say they don't add up to be that much. Later I will be doing a pictorial blog post on the things I've bought and also the crazy experience I went through with the much anticipated Charles and Keith warehouse sales. Anyway, I'm officially done with shopping until December because that is when the bonus crunch will come in and so within these next two months, I will concentrate on saving, paying off my bills and debts and also trying to earn money by concentrating on my online shop. But I won't say it is an end all shopping pursuit because sometimes when there is a g...

Singlehood: Not Good Enough For You

At last, after more than one and a half year...they're finally together! But then, this being a soap drama, there will be MORE drama later..ha! Anyway, you thought that this title refers to me eh? ha..not really. I may be wrong but I guess no matter how much confidence someone may exude, there is always this glimmer of thought that hey, we're not good enough. It sorta impacts me at times because when I read stuffs about couples or get to know them through video posts or what and then I feel, well I'm not as good as her. She may not be the slimmest person around but she has such a great sense of humour and personality. There are so many qualities that are attractive about her and I'm just not as good as her. Hence, my often silly thoughts that I'm not good enough for anyone and the fact that I don't seem to attract any guys is a clear indication that I'm...just not good enough. But then I thought again that some things take time to happen. Perhaps I...

The Jeans Diet

Brand new month and er..brand new diet plans! Haha.. I've got now exactly 3 months to reach my target weight and I believe that I can get there eventually...slowly but surely. Why I titled this post as The Jeans Diet is basically because I've got this pair of jeans which I'm desperate to be able to fit in again as the last time I could wear it without suffocating myself in the bottom half was in 2010 and then in 2011, things started to get downhill for me. Everything doesn't seem right for me which is also a contribution to my weight gain as I start to lose focus. But I believe I can get it straighten out and I've been seeing some progress. A long way to go still but we're getting there. I'm getting there. So this morning I tried to wear the pair of jeans and though I still struggle, I somehow managed to zip and button up. Just slightly more than a month ago, I couldn't even get the zip up. So I believe by the end of this month, not onl...

Quick Getaway to Johor Bahru

 I may have mentioned this a few times but..I suck at shopping..LOL. No seriously, I do. I just am not so updated about fashion (make up is a different story) so I don't really know how to dress myself up. People see clothes in store and they get inspired. I see clothes, I see them as dubious and then I see the price tag, I'm like okay.....what else is there. I guess I should change a bit. I do like though, simple cutting of blouses and basic shirts that are casual. Did I mention I suck at fashion? Oh, these are some of the pics taken by my two friends when we did a quick getaway. I believe the highlight for me is of course the food (we ate at Nandos which is not halal here by the way) and F.O.S or factory outlet store. For someone who lives on basic shirts, it's good for me..ha! I would say Cotton On over there is overpriced though in comparison to Sing dollars. So I browsed through and I fancied some of them but their price tag set me back and I thought that it would be...