Hi Hi, I'm back from quite a long hiatus! Yah I've been sick in the middle of the month and got super busy at work ever since we got the news that the auditors were coming so we have to clear a lot of back end work! I can't do much of any other things except clearing these back end work. So when I got back, I'm too tired to even open up blogger and type away so I chose to spend my time watching clips of Days of Our Lives, playing the Sims Social and also taking long naps. Oh, besides watching the popular soap drama DOOL, I've always been watching motivational videos and reading articles on them because I want to improve my life. I'm sick of being in debt due to my bad financial decisions and also how I have been spending my life. I don't want to merely exist but I want to live. I believe that if you put your mind to it, not give up and stay focus, you can make your dreams come true. Plus have you heard of the saying “Always aim for the Moon...