Eid Mubarak! Selamat Hari Raya to fellow Muslims all over the world! In Singapore, we are still in the midst of the circuit breaker so we are not allowed to go visiting in order to prevent the spread of virus and formation of new clusters. Of course this is expected and many muslim families have turned to technology to celebrate in a different but meaningful way. With zoom, they get to 'visit' extended family members virtually and ask for forgiveness too as it has always been our tradition. Far away in proximity but still close at heart. For my family, we don't get to experience this but just within our family, we just chill with watching tv specials and enjoying home cooked food. I also sent out special greeting to people while also receiving from both Muslim and non Muslim friends, ex colleagues and current colleagues. In the morning, I had some quiet moments listening to the Raya sermon and then practising some watercoloring. I just bought a new watercolour palet...