Happy New Year, everyone! A new year means having the whole year again to face life's challenges, victories, learning new things, letting go and many other things in between. My 2018 was the same, nothing out of the ordinary. However, the people around me, especially those that were close to me, they experienced many happy or joyous occasions and I was thrilled that they let me join in with the celebrations. For example, a good friend's wedding, my brother's coming out of the army parade, a friend's son's first birthday and an open house held by a ex colleague from my workplace from more than 10 years ago.
On a personal note, I didn't manage to achieve what I wanted in life and basically all I tried to do was trying to survive each and every day from life's challenges. Financial difficulties, dealing with a manager who micro manages everything and don't trust my work and a mum who also micro manages my life. My social life is still as awkward as ever and I still don't to make legit guy friends and sometimes I think there is truly something wrong with me.
But on a more positive note, I am much healthier and I didn't see the doctor at all last year. I have been very committed in my workout routines and lately, I have also been getting into the routine of intermittent fasting which mean that I don't eat any food for a number of hours except to drink water.
Despite me at times beating myself with such negative thoughts, as always, I try to snap out of it quickly and to have faith that things will work out. Indeed it does at times and I think that is how I manage to survive and all, when facing life's challenge. I don't try to dwell on it. I do my best and if I fall behind, I try to catch up even if I have few hours of sleep if it's going to help me get back on track. I can always sleep a few more hours later.
Earlier this morning, I watched the Ellen Degeneres special where she did a Stand Up Show after 15 years simply because she had missed doing it after helming her award winning and successful talk show for many years. She talked about her initial struggles coping with her losses in life and how many others got affected as well by her decisions to do the right things. And how the challenges that she faced in life, she overcome them by not losing the hope and faith within herself, which somehow managed to get her out of difficult situations. At many points in life, just when she thought she finally experienced success, she got pushed down and this happened multiple times.
But she just didn't give up. She didn't let the circumstances in her way. In fact, she rose above them to becoming one of the most loved and respected celebrities in Hollywood.
I suppose that the theme for me this year is 'Hope and Faith' because personally, this had also helped me get through life's challenges for 2019.