My brother lectured me recently about how I'm so calculative and why after so many years, we are still poor. I can't answer him because I can't argue with him that we're still so poor with little savings to get by. Basically I don't like to lead a pay to pay type of lifestyle and I prefer getting a second income. I want to be able to spend without too much worries about how little I will have after I spend on this or that. He's right about the calculative part. I tend to use my phone calculator and do a check on how much balance I have left if it's able to last me until the next week or so. Honestly I don't like this. What I like is earning money, even in small amounts me, a little goes a along way. Of course I don't mind having more but this is as much as I can do with what little capital I have which mostly come from my pay. Now I am not going to discuss about my financial situation as it can be a tad boring to talk about as it'...