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Life May be Unpredictable But Don't Waste it All Away

I've been a little obsessed with this indie Hong Kong movie that I found on youtube which I knew about from years ago but only uploaded in full online. It's about the friendship formed between two people fated to meet each other except that one was found out later to be a drug addict with a troubled past that comes back haunting him and therefore keeping the two friends adrift despite one's effort to make him stop with the abuse with the promises of taking him overseas on vacation. The arrival of a former girlfriend and the death of a parent sent him on a downward spiral and eventually, to his death during his hallucination when he escaped from the hospital.

I really cheered for these two but one can only help oneself to overcome the seriousness of drug abuse. They really bond well during their recreational use of drugs I suspect is ecstasy, which only the affluence, basically people like him, can get a hold on. While I really enjoyed the movie, there are some wtf moments that don't make sense at first but then I realised that these are just imageries of the lead character during high moments after taking ICE. I still think we can do without some scenes in the movie but I don't know, maybe it's done for shock value and to make the movie more artsy fartsy. When sober, he juggles with different work, like being a swimming instructor,  a model for life painting and fitness instructor to make ends meet and also practices kung fu and learns English to be a better person in life while recovering from his traumatic past. The arrival of this very handsome..heh...half Caucasian Half Chinese guy..on a business trip gave him a lot of hope for a good life but upon his mother's death, he became worse off like as though there's no hope and meaning in life and was more reliant on drugs with prompting from his older brother, to escape from the harsh realities of life.

It's a sad ending for these two while one didn't know the fate that he was going to encounter as he was under hallucination, as for the other guy, despite his promises to help his friend and stay with him always, he isn't exactly there for him when he needed him most. He could have stayed and cancel his trip back to Australia when he had to go there for awhile. His friend was hospitalised after being unconscious as he attempted to jump like an 'angel' after being made to wear like one after painted in silver by the house guests during a celebratory party. Honestly his house guests are a deranged bunch.
During such time when he could have been saved, where he was he? Lying flat down unconscious  in one corner from being drunk -_-

Life is unpredictable. You do not know where you will be heading next and who you will encounter in life. Makes me think that heck, who knows I will catch the fancy of some good looking chap like the guy in the movie, lol. One thing for sure, you do not what to mess with drugs and you do not what to waste it all away when you are actually not alone in life with people who are willing to go through the ups and downs with you if you give them the chance to help you.

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