Well, tonight is the last day of the pretty long weekend due to the public holiday on Friday. Oh before I forget, would like to wish a Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all muslims..or rather, those who actually celebrate it and not bumming around like me. So in two week's time, I will be getting my year end bonus and because of the slow picking up of the economy, it's not going to be much although the 13th month bonus is still there. It's just that there are no 'extra's like another month or at least a three quarter pay more. In fact, this is the lowest bonus payout in recent years for people in the civil service. My ex colleagues got their bonus somewhere in October and it was for three months. Im not trying to compare myself to them because in terms of job stability, I would say mine is more stable than theirs while for them, it depends largely on the company whether they need to continue with their service or not down the road. In light of job retrenchments and difficul...