I think if I complain to you one more time that my laptop has been giving me problems like a sudden shut down which denies me the right to blog..I dunno if that will drive you crazy. Anyway good news is...my prayers are answered for and I dont have to worry abt not having enough money for the next two weeks before payday because I had received my inheritance money as of last Friday. Even though I dont expect such an amount to last very long because there are a lot of things that have yet to be settled, I will still be contented with how much will be the balance. Of course naturally, the bigger the balance amount, the happier I am. But at the end of the day, knowing that I have some savings for emergency use, to put food on the table and have water and electricity up and running for quite a long period of time,that is more important.
I dont really need to shop but because my clothes are coming this close to being salvation army rejects as they are getting too old and worn out, including my worn to death sandals, maybe shopping around will be a solution. But I dont really feel like using the money left by my dad for my shopping needs although ok, I did get a laptop and a handphone because when he was alive, and he got a large sum of money, he gave us money to buy a computer and then followed by a laptop come the second time around. It would be the only time we could afford it judging from the price. Other than that, I just live each day as per normal like how I used to live my life before I got my share. This is based on the advice of two people dear to me as they know my life story and how tough it can be for me sometimes especially when I am the only income earner in my family and things can get difficult for me.
My mum, as usual, forever the type who is not contented with her life and currently the amount that she receives which she thinks is too little for her. It's in the thousands and to me it's better than nothing but being typically her, it has to be what she has expected. If not, she gets sorely disappointed. Anyway to 'cure' her disappointment, at least just a little bit, she asked for 2k from me to get the things that she had already planned to get. Of course I was upset at first because at first she asked for 1k and then now increased to 2k and sensing my unhappiness, typically also, she starts to throw words at me like calling me greedy and etc etc.....so I just agreed lah to appease her if only to stop her from taunting me and for me to just get it over and done with. At least she didnt ask for half of my share because if that happens, that houston, we have a problem...possibly..world war III too. Like come on, it's not that I want to be greedy, but I am also taking care of the family needs. It's never about just me because Im not living in this household myself.
Anyway, I dont want to be easily upset now since my life is a bit easier now and to have my mind in peace before pay day comes around is a big deal to me now. Before this I was scratching my head as to how was I going to support my family.
Thank u God one more time for answering my prayers.