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State of Calmness & Getting Rid of My Poverty Mindset

Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

I like one of those IG Q&A where social media influencers, esteemed speakers or motivators from Singapore would invite people to ask them questions that they will answer in short replies, either in text or spoken form. And usually these people would answer so articulately based on experience, knowledge or their interactions with other people. The way the approached the questions you would think that their lives were literally quite perfect because their answers were so mature and full of wisdom. But they had faced difficult times in the past as well which they may then use as a source of inspiration for others to rise above their current difficult situations if they believe they can do it, with enough support and motivation, from themselves and others.

I don't know why, but the guys usually have these state of calmness, and the ladies would be more emotional in their posts, but I guess it's just human nature? Either way, I appreciate their answers and their encouraging words especially for those who felt lost in lives, even if they had been doing all they could in life but felt that it wasn't their best. Or people who had made mistakes in the past but have since reformed. Yet, they could not move beyond the pain they had caused themselves or their loved ones. And then the group of people who could also not move on after experiencing hurt and pain from the people whom they had loved and trusted.

I realised that we human beings are so flawed in so many ways. If these people who hurt, cheated or take advantage of others, for their own benefits, I hope they realised their mistakes how much they have hurt other people. Then it's time to reflect, forgive themselves so that they can move on and be better people.

Right now, we are living a life of uncertainties. I don't really think we have time to be toxic to other people because we are already bogged down with our own life's problems. But I dunno, that's just me. It could also be a time for people to take advantage of others for their own benefits, such as those whom they think were least affected by the uncertainties, like the bleak job market and lack of finances due to the bad economy. Or the relatively easy life of others as compared to theirs.

Whatever it is, we don't have the right to be nasty to others, use them for our own selfish benefits etc just because they don't seem to say or do anything about it.

On the other hand, we also should learn to do what's right such as improving on ourselves or doing things that we enjoy, whether or not we have an audience or we can make money out of it. If we feel that we are spreading a good message, keeping ourselves healthy, learn new things and so on, by all means continue to do so.

We also need to refresh our intentions. Why we are doing this. By knowing our intentions, it helps to ease our mind a little, when we face some setbacks or when other people doubted us, to give us confidence to move forward. And to be grateful for the things and people that matter to us, even those we never truly appreciate. 

For now, I am trying to rid of my poverty mindset. One of my weaknesses is being constantly worried about money like I think about money running out coz I've faced such situations many times in the past. I think the most recent being in mid 2017. However, I am in a better place now but I always have this fear of money running out fast that at times, didn't allow me to make purchases that give me contentment but only focusing on the necessary. But after working hard, I don't think it's a bad thing to treat yourself once in awhile with something brand new as long as we are able to afford it and not have to forgo the necessities. 

And to also remember that when we set the right intentions in our heart, work hard, do charity and continue to be grateful even for the smallest thing such as waking up to witness another brand new day, if God permits, He will reward us. We trust in Him that He will continue to provide for us. And I find that I lack of such trust and gratitude that I keep having this poverty mindset. I would like to eradicate this by doing my best each day, continue to be mindful of how I spend my money, working on a legit money plan that can help me to save more rather than just topping up my savings to the previous amount and not having to see it grow. This is my current weakness but I am going to take on this challenge to save a certain amount each month, and uhm..not to touch it. At all. I hope I won't fail in this mission again, heh..

My intention of saving is for my education, future unplanned expenses (gosh, during the circuit breaker, so many things break down at home, lol..) and for financial security. We need to learn to protect our wealth, while not being greedy and for charity. Everyone saves for different reasons and whatever they are, set the right intentions to save so that we can be motivated and be more mindful of our purchases. 

Whether or not we like it, some of us have monthly financial obligations such as housing or car payments, which gives us more reasons not to spend carelessly. However, many of us still lack in financial literacy and trust me, I used to be one of them and it snowballed over the years. Though I managed to pay most of them instead of just trying to hie by getting rid of the papers, it opens my eyes to know how harmful and hurting this can be. Before we fall into a deep end, even if it's painful to save at times as it will reduce our purchasing power, think about how liberating it will be to not constantly think about money shortage every single day.

Let us pray for strength that we are not easily swayed by brand new shiny things when we don't have a proper money management. Let us also pray for a state of calmness in our hearts by being accepting that things happen in our life for a reason. People come and go in our lives as well and if they have hurt us, and it's difficult for us to move on, may be we granted ease that we will reach inner peace within ourselves and to move on in life.


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