Happy New Year! I have been writing on this blog for years. But my style of writing changes over the years. I still enjoy writing, and write almost every day though nowadays, I mostly write in a journal where I get to decorate the pages and stuffs and I can also share about more things. To be honest, I wouldn't want to read my posts from way back then because it kinda showed my level of immaturity, lol. Sometimes I tried to act smart but well, I didn't think I was, haha.
I thought I wanna change my style of writing but I think I just do what I do best. Sharing stories, interesting reads or things I have watched and perhaps, we can learn a thing or two from them. I am no motivational writer but if I can share things that will be useful in our lives, then I wouldn't hesitate. It's still a personal blog overall so come in and just enjoy the read, and hopefully I don't offend anyone in the process. If I do, please do forgive me!
Last weekend, I went to two weddings. One was from an ex colleague of mine whom I had not met since 10 years ago. I tried to keep in touch with her but somehow, it failed and at one point of time, I kinda gave up because I thought that she didn't want anything to do with me. Perhaps something had happened that she got a revelation which I didn't know of. You know how it's like, when you don't know why the person tries to avoid you like you're thinking what have you done because you're so clueless. But for this other person, it's hard for him or her to let go and willing to bear the grudge for years even if along the way, life changes. You know the saying, we can forgive but we can never forget.
But we're not getting any younger. We have entered a new decade last week and some people posted pictures of them 10 years ago. I cringed at mine at how young I looked. Sometimes we're delusional thinking oh we're still young, until Facebook reminded you that well, think again, lol. We can't stop time though. But whatever bad feelings or thoughts we have of the person, the best is to just move on and focus on being the best version of ourselves. Know our priorities, know who we are responsible for because ultimately, we do things because of Him.
So when I got the messages from my ex colleague, I kinda like felt uhm..why was she trying to contact me. From the number of 'pings' I figured that perhaps, one of her children was getting married and I was right. The thing is, it didn't occur to her to invite me like she completely forgot my existence but another ex colleague of mine reminded her to do so. I wasn't in touch with both but at least for one, she somehow checks my social media I think so she knows I'm still around somewhere in sunny Singapore.
We chatted a bit. And during the wedding, even though she was busy being the mother of the groom, she still had some time for us, taking photos and chatting and she still had not lost her unique sense of humour.
Actually I am not a fan of weddings though it's nice to see the grandness of the celebration of people come together, just like for us, after years of not being in contact, we sort of had this mini reunion. Why I'm not a fan is because I always get questions like when will it be my turn, marriage wise...blah blah..all singles people can relate. I don't think it's a bad thing still being unmarried but well, you know. My ex colleagues who were around my age had of course gotten married and have children. They have their own home and a family of whom they often share pics online. I am happy for them but it's still not something I feel if I don't get it, my life is incomplete or something.
So what's in store for me in 2020? Same ol' still trying to lose weight goal, haha. Oh, and save more money. I don't think they are here to go. Anyway, I got this email and it shared some things which I should have known if I had been a little bit more religious, but anyway..it's never too late. I just share a bit here because I feel that it's applicable to anyone.
Your youth before your old age
Your health before your sickness
Your wealth before your poverty
Your free time before you're preoccupied
Your life before death
So if you don't know yet what you want to do for 2020, perhaps can just take it one day at a time with these as the guiding principles. How we often take our health for granted, idle our time away on social media, spending carelessly and not living our best life. Even simple things like making better decisions at our food choices, thinking carefully before spending and being busy with the right things that matter more. Later today, I would be going for my 'favourite but come back with aching muscles' class which is Strong by Zumba which I shared in my earlier post that I will be going every Tuesday for as long as they have the class. I want to try to go for such classes for as long as my body is capable as part of still being young and healthy. I don't want to wait for my knees to slowly give up on me and then regret I didn't exercise as much as I wanted and it's too late now.
I also hope to travel further in Malaysia, perhaps Australia and to have a good amount of emergency funds. I don't want to grow older but poorer. So for as long as I can accumulate wealth for better things in life, I shall continue to do so.
All the best to us for 2020! Life in general is unpredictable and full of ups and downs but we are here for the ride, all strong and ready for it.