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Showing posts from October, 2019

Lifestyle Overhaul & Latest Drama Obsession

Yesterday, I went to the Neon Festival at Gardens by the Bay and despite the initial heavy rain, we still went ahead with the plans because it was the last day. There were quite a number of neon lights display such as the one above but the night sky, combined with the rain and slight fog, made it a little harder to take pictures. And also coz I don't have the latest phone that can take great night pics. Fun fact. I'm always a model or two behind like when I change phones, it's usually the earlier model coz they would have lowered the prices to make way for the newer ones. Anyway, just want to share that I am excited that November is coming very soon because finally I can  go for Strong by Zumba! I am in need of some intensive exercise to whip my poor body up, lol. It's been mostly dance fitness made up of K Cardio and Cardio Hip Hop. They do make me sweat especially Cardio Hip Hop like my goodness, she's so lithe and I'm like a baby elephant trying to walk ...

The Struggles with Self Love

Photo by  Tim Mossholder  from  Pexels One of the things I often grapple with is self love and because I am not of an average Asian female built. It could be genetics like I can never be really thin but it's ok. This is the only body I have so you know, gotta live it with, lol. I have never been those who used to be slim and then over the years, they put on weight because life happens. Then they try to rein themselves in (I suppose that's the evil of Facebook memories..) by going on these crash diet and strict exercise regime to look like those years again. I don't really have such a memory because I've always been on the heavier side. At one time, I did lose a lot of weight but I looked sickly as I also lost my appetite along the way and I didn't have a good relationship with food. Now I can eat better though I am still mindful but it is not because I want to be slimmer but rather thinking about my health in the long run. Like I am not even 40 and yet, I l...

Feeling Like Sh*t

Photo by  burak kostak  from  Pexels At times, I feel that some things are better left unsaid and I told myself many times that especially at work, keep some comments to yourself. Because you will never know if that person you confide in will just blabber to the next person. And then it becomes like some kind of hullabaloo painting you as a baddie. But in actual fact, you're just trying to help. But of course, if one does something that is unkind, it's not likely that they will say they shouldn't have done so. He or she will just turn the table around and make themselves a victim.  At first I was upset. I didn't expect that my colleague would actually quote what I said. Though I didn't regret those words, because I felt that it was unfair to me and my colleague, perhaps I should have word it better. And also, maybe I shouldn't have said out loud my intention because it may get misconstrued.  You know the saying, you can't trust anyone? It rings tru...

Choosing Time Over Money & Health

My family having a birthday celebration  Last Thursday, I was on course on positive workplace. I just wanted to attend a course as a sort of escape from office work, lol. After that I went for my Cardio Hip Hop class and also a birthday celebration for me and my mum at Swensons. Fun fact. My mum and I share the same birthday month and it’s a mere 3 days apart.  As for the course, it was quite a good course, a little dry, but it’s always the case because they need to also share the theories besides just doing group work. Anyway, during the group work, we were encouraged to share stories but due to limited time, the sharing was done by two people in a group each. My group happened to have some very chatty people but it was good, so I don’t have to talk so much, lol. They were like on autopilot. The trainer looked young but very experienced. Armed with experience and a Master’s degree, he is now doing private practice with half his time doing therapy and anothe...