Start of the fasting month...well, it went well but im like..gosh, why must the time be quite late before I can break fast?! Yes, Im very the impatient person..haha.
It's also the time of the month where I am able to 'cheat' a bit in terms of the food that I avoid coz of health reasons and if I ever get to eat them, it's only a teensy eensy bit for the 'taste' factor. Then now, come to think of it, I want me Cheese Hotdogs!! Although I still avoid dishes with coconut milk. I dunno...the idea of seeing coconut milk mixed in with oily dishes just dont do it for me *shudders*
Anyway I hope in this holy month, people take a good look at their lives and make changes that will make a difference in theirs as well as ours. It really makes me sad that heartless people still exist and worse, they show their heartlessness towards their own family members such as their parents. The society may have moved forward but unfortunately, they only think about themselves with their 'me first' mentality which is sad because in life, many of us cannot be where we are right now if not for the help of some people. Their parents' sacrifice for them and how they work so hard to bring them up..nothing can replace that. And then, when they become successful or have their own families, they see their old parents as a big burden on their shoulders because to them, they have their own personal or family problems to deal with already.
These people are what you call...ungrateful twits. Their existence on earth is nothing to be proud of even if they are leading a comfortable life or contribute to the society. Some of them are worse off in the sense that they are willing to drag their parents to court just so that they can scrape whatever riches their parents have like money or properties for their own personal gain.
I hope in future, people like this will have a taste of their medicine when their own children will give them hell later in their senior years. Unbelievable. But this is what you call the undesirable side of humanity.
But Im glad to know that the media is doing their best to highlight this ugly trend to educate the public in regards to the unfair treatment towards their own parents. Im also glad the government is doing something to help these seniors cope in their twilight years especially when their health do not permit them to work and yet they have to foot their own medical bills and other bills as well if they are not being looked after. And then there are kind souls as well who commit their time, energy and even money to help these people even though they are not related. They did it out of sincerity and not because they have to.
It's never too late to change. We can be a better person even if we start doing something small but in the long run, it will bring meaning to life which is not equated to just monetary gains. It's called enriching one's soul and it will give us a good feeling especially if we have lost a bit of direction in life and want to start afresh. Helping others in times of their need is a good start. If other people see this and learn from it, they help to pay it forward by being kind to others and hopefully, the world will be a better place to live in.
I know parents can be a little bit hard to understand and they may also find it hard to understand us as well. They are after all still humans and we all make mistakes no matter what roles we play. The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes in any aspects from our lives before it's too late and there is no turning back.