So there was this viral thing going on where people were posting the 10 year challenge where they would show pics of them ten years ago and now. I don't know how it started but it seemed interesting. Don't have to do any of those acrobatic or dangerous moves like the moving car dance thing. That was stupid. Anyway, in a blink of an eye, 10 years would have passed and the greatest shocker would be when we thought we looked the same as we did back then but reality is, we don't, haha. Sure some people may be luckier as in they look even better than they were 10 years ago. Age can be kind to many but can be cruel too, haha. Like my thinning hair. I've always had a love-hate relationship with my hair because it is constantly all over the place and messy. When I kept my hair longer most times, it would look voluminous but messy. Yet now, it is a different story. Looked flat and shapeless. So I figured that maybe it's better being kept shorter so less obvious that my ...