Last month, I learnt a new skill which was modern calligraphy and though it was just a 3 hour workshop and there was a pretty big group, the two trainers tried their best to help us during the session. Many of the talented people are self taught and I don't know if I should categorise myself in this because there are things that I basically learnt off the internet and by studying other people's works. But ultimately, we learn a lot through trials and error and hours and hours of practice just to get better. Modern calligraphy or brush calligraphy is one of the hot things to learn and people of all ages can learn as well. Though I picked up on the skills a few years ago, I didn't quite act on them as much because man was it really harder than I imagined. So I got tired and well, you can say that I got lazy as well.
I decided to sign up for this workshop because well, it would be paid by them provided I come. And I know just it would be so popular and when they mentioned in the email what time they would be opening up the slots, I watched the clock like a hawk, haha. Outside, these workshops, depending on the skill level, can even go up to $150 for a 3 hour class. But most of the time, it would include materials as well besides of course, paying for the instructor.
I am glad that I still keep this hobby in mind despite the initial difficulties. The trend just kept riding high and high and if you do a search on youtube or instagram, so many people are into this. There are many variations of the name depending on what they specialise in.
Sometimes, they would couple it up with learning other crafty skills as well such as floral wreath or watercoloring. This is interesting because if you can act on this hobby by improving your skills and practising, if possible, every single day, people will begin to notice your work if you put them up on social media that is. For me, I think it is a great way for me to integrate modern calligraphy into my card designs because it gives that nice touch instead of just using generic designs. I don't think my skills are up there yet but it was really nice to have been praised by the instructor herself for our graduation piece which I did based on a quote.
You can see my own piece below, the one with the floral drawings.
I've been a little busy with orders and I normally practise a little during my lunch time where I am mostly free after eating. Finding pockets of time to do the things you love or learning can add up. Rather than just saying oh, you don't have time for this or that, the thing is, you have to find time. Whether going for exercise, running, earning some side income..and so's a matter of prioritise and not being too caught up with just work and other serious stuffs.
Also, I find that when you learn new skills, you are also adding meaning to your life because honestly, being on a somewhat fixed routine can feel so mundane like you just want get it over and done with. Honestly, I do feel that way at times but more so in the past as if my life is so monotonous. And having problems at times too, would make me feel even worse and starting to question my existence on earth. While we all have good days and some bad days, I think the best way is to not let it get to ur head too much and just slowly get ourselves involved in activities that we enjoy ourselves in. It may time to find those activities to our liking but you'll never know, you will find one where you just can get immersed in because it just makes you happy or feel good about yourself. And especially so when you get to share your newfound skills with other people, make new friends and be involved together with other people who share the same interest as you as well.
Once I know of my fight-do instructor who teaches Zumba as well but her day job is at A*Star where they do mostly Scientific research. So you can imagine how uptight the environment would be and then you end off work and going to a more 'fun' work teaching people Zumba or Fight-Do. Just wow.
So let us all aim to at least learn one new skill before the year draws to a close this year :))
I decided to sign up for this workshop because well, it would be paid by them provided I come. And I know just it would be so popular and when they mentioned in the email what time they would be opening up the slots, I watched the clock like a hawk, haha. Outside, these workshops, depending on the skill level, can even go up to $150 for a 3 hour class. But most of the time, it would include materials as well besides of course, paying for the instructor.
I am glad that I still keep this hobby in mind despite the initial difficulties. The trend just kept riding high and high and if you do a search on youtube or instagram, so many people are into this. There are many variations of the name depending on what they specialise in.
Sometimes, they would couple it up with learning other crafty skills as well such as floral wreath or watercoloring. This is interesting because if you can act on this hobby by improving your skills and practising, if possible, every single day, people will begin to notice your work if you put them up on social media that is. For me, I think it is a great way for me to integrate modern calligraphy into my card designs because it gives that nice touch instead of just using generic designs. I don't think my skills are up there yet but it was really nice to have been praised by the instructor herself for our graduation piece which I did based on a quote.
You can see my own piece below, the one with the floral drawings.
Also, I find that when you learn new skills, you are also adding meaning to your life because honestly, being on a somewhat fixed routine can feel so mundane like you just want get it over and done with. Honestly, I do feel that way at times but more so in the past as if my life is so monotonous. And having problems at times too, would make me feel even worse and starting to question my existence on earth. While we all have good days and some bad days, I think the best way is to not let it get to ur head too much and just slowly get ourselves involved in activities that we enjoy ourselves in. It may time to find those activities to our liking but you'll never know, you will find one where you just can get immersed in because it just makes you happy or feel good about yourself. And especially so when you get to share your newfound skills with other people, make new friends and be involved together with other people who share the same interest as you as well.
Once I know of my fight-do instructor who teaches Zumba as well but her day job is at A*Star where they do mostly Scientific research. So you can imagine how uptight the environment would be and then you end off work and going to a more 'fun' work teaching people Zumba or Fight-Do. Just wow.
So let us all aim to at least learn one new skill before the year draws to a close this year :))