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Showing posts from November, 2013

My Thoughts on My Part-Time Studies

 Finally, I can sit down and write a blog post about my on-going part-time studies! It's been a harrowing really eye opening experience juggling a full time work, part-time studies and running my online shop.I had to be smart when it comes to planning my time so that I can include time for studies, basically for the recent ICAs or Individual Continual Assessment, which test my knowledge on what I have learnt, fulfilling orders for my online shop and some 'me' time or family time. There are of course times where I struggle especially when my eyes are too tired to open when the alarm rang for me to wake up and catch up on my studies or orders. But despite these hard moments, I managed to carve out the time, nevermind if I have to wake up in the middle of the  night to either study or fulfill orders. How's my class for my part-time studies? I enjoy them. I won't say that they're easy which I thought it would be easy breezy. I don't know where I get that f...

Starting All Over..A Silent Prayer for Myself

I have to start all over. I had a small stash of money from my online shop sales and sadly, I had to use it up. In fact, I had to use my mum's money too to pay for my debt because I got so scared. I don't like this feeling of being out of control with my life. I really don't. Nowadays, every single day, I pray to God for strength. I pray to God to give me the strength so that I will be more motivated. It's hard when you think you've got it all under control and then when a new thing come into your life, it tends to shake it a bit and then you find yourself struggling to get things back to normal. So I started my studies about a month ago and yes, I will write a full post on it very soon. I have been running my online shop during my free time after work by making products, updating my facebook page or writing the blog posts. However, I have been struggling. Suddenly, I find myself having lesser and lesser money. Suddenly, I struggle to keep myself awake whenever I ...

Fun Walk at Marina Barrage - Civil Service Family Day 2013

I went for the Civil Service Family Day..because it was free and I would get a goody bag. Before you think I'm a free loader (at times...), I actually set out to go with my other colleagues. In the end, one of them went but he was a soloist, which I didn't mind because I didn't want to go with him anyway..ha! Yes, horrible me. Moving on, I took it as an opportunity to go to Marina Barrage because I had not gone there before. Even though I didn't get to explore much of it, as I had to follow the trail closely for the Fun Walk, there were some interesting things to see. I don't know if seeing half naked Caucasian guys running along the path as interesting but to me, it is.  The Fun Walk took a total of 45 minutes and it was fun initially until I reached almost the end, and I had to make a U Turn back to the initial point :S but oh well, it was there anyway that they have the Family Day thing going on. Speaking of which, while other people went with the family day,...