Start of the fasting month...well, it went well but im like..gosh, why must the time be quite late before I can break fast?! Yes, Im very the impatient person..haha. It's also the time of the month where I am able to 'cheat' a bit in terms of the food that I avoid coz of health reasons and if I ever get to eat them, it's only a teensy eensy bit for the 'taste' factor. Then now, come to think of it, I want me Cheese Hotdogs!! Although I still avoid dishes with coconut milk. I dunno...the idea of seeing coconut milk mixed in with oily dishes just dont do it for me *shudders* Anyway I hope in this holy month, people take a good look at their lives and make changes that will make a difference in theirs as well as ours. It really makes me sad that heartless people still exist and worse, they show their heartlessness towards their own family members such as their parents. The society may have moved forward but unfortunately, they only think about themselves with their...