Hello, miss me? I had been a little 'off' recently and wanted to lay down low a bit but it can get rather lonely and if I carry on, I can get carried away and that's not good. So I shall begin to crawl out a little by posting here after a long time. Sometimes we just think too much over things and people that our minds get a little messed up as our self esteem gets lower and lower. I may not be the one who can insert herself into a group conversation or initiate a talk or discussion and then I feel all left out because I can interact that well. But over time, I learn to respond. I don't have to give the most complicated answers or ask the most thought provoking questions. I just need to respond and it can actually make someone's day if you can give them the listening ear and learn to share info with you. I used to think that I need to be of their same level or share the same thoughts and opinions, and have similar roles in life in order to relate. That's it. My...